EcoBall Project Monthly Report #July

1.New members of the project
1 blockchain architect
2 blockchain engineers
Wuhan University
Renmin University of China
Waltonchain Foundation
Mason Technology Co.,Ltd
Datang International Education Development Holdings Co., Ltd
3.The Development Progress
[Consensus Module]
• Implement the complete process of the ABA BFT consensus algorithm and complete the joint test with other modules to complete the test.
[Account Management]
• Implement account rights management (account name binding, proxy assignment, permission verification)
[Contract Module]
• Complete basic token contracts, deployment and call testing of CPU and NET mortgage contracts
[P2P Network Module]
• Implement directed deliver and broadcast Gossip protocol.
[Distributed Storage]
• Completed the pre-research and design of distributed storage solutions (storage data interface, storage incentive mechanism)
[Command Line and Tools]
•Add wallet features, including opening, locking, generating and importing keys, unlocking and closing
• Add EcoBall docker image creation and operation
• Blockchain browser architecture build-up and completes display of block information

4.The Project Event
• On July 2nd, EcoBall Foundation has been accredited by Singapore International Law Firm KGP Legal LLC and has obtained application-based legal advice.
• On July 3rd, the EcoBall (ABA) project passed the Slowmist technology security audit.
• On July 15th, the EcoBall made its first candy drop.
• On July 18th, the EcoBall Whitelist has been officially opened.
• On July 20th, EcoBall and the blockchain+IoT leader Walton Chain signed a strategic partnership agreement.
• On July 24th, the EcoBall was invited to visit the ASTRI in Hong Kong and reached a technology+business dual cooperation consensus with ASTRI.

5.Community Growth
Domestic and foreign social channels followers:
WeChat group +WeChat public account number + QQ + microblog + Twitter + Facebook + Steemit + Telegram = 10000 +
Weekly growth rate: 12-15%
Media platform average views:
WeChat public number + today headline + chain to financial + golden financial + Babbitt + microblog headline + Quora + Reddit + Medium = 12000+
Weekly growth rate: 5-10%