
You know, personally, I like reading the NLT more than any of them. My study Bible is NLT and half the page is scripture while the other half is material that provides details about the time/place/circumstances and asks questions to provoke meditation on the scripture. I don't feel like the meaning behind the passages is changed. Another invaluable tool in the "checksum" toolbox is YouVersion. It's nice to be able to parallel verses instantly to see if my interpretation of what I feel like the Spirit is speaking aligns with the way others have interpreted the message. What concerns me more than variations of the original texts is all the "hard forks." The catholic church turning ministry into the world's richest entity while the poor are starving, the sick are dying, and a large population of people don't even have clean water to drink.. Instead of doing what The Lord commanded, they do the same thing the pharisees did that The Lord spoke out against. And then we can talk about the Muslims and what a nightmare their additional instructions have caused globally. How about John Smith and his self-serving revelation of having multiple wives. The church of scientology, that rejects psychology as a science... that's a real I think the biggest mistake that mankind has made regarding the scripture is using it as a looking glass for everyone else, when it's designed to be a mirror. It starts off that God created Adam in His Image...If we read the teachings of Christ and it doesn't make us feel guilty for living a comfortable lifestyle or makeus want to reach out to someone from the distant past to apologize for the pain we brought into their life from our own sin... It doesn't matter what translation we read. Love God above all else, and love your fellow man more than yourself. God annointed His one and only begotten Son with all the miracles in the world and gave Him all the wisdom to explain how to live in communion with one another in terms a fisherman or a farmer could understand.. and if The Lord was to come in the flesh again today, He could stand on the street corner preaching across the street from a megachurch on a Sunday and they would go inside and crack jokes about the crazy homeless man across the street shouting for them to give all of their money away, because it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Gates of Heaven.

Great points, Maxwell. Beware of "Hardforks". Great writing; edit and add keywords for searchers. I want to be kind to those with deviating beliefs so we can discuss: what does the original say? The other translations ARE helpful, but what is GOD saying to each of us?
There are many voices in the world and most are deceptions.
#hardfork #translation #bible #blockchain

"The God-man is appointed; a mortal man of sorrow is born!" "The Glory of God shall come down and teach that His death shall bring the grieving comfort and rest." #encryptedgeneology #itsallaboutYeshuahHayehudi

I think first and foremost, God wants us to recognize His existence. I can't believe how insulting it must be to go through all the trouble of creating this vast universe, including ourselves and our conciousness and be denied credit for the work. Second, I believe that God wants us to know that He loves us and His will for our lives is to reflect that love. Aside from that, it's important to remember that our nature is selfishness and God's supernatural is selflessness. We're tested countless times a day to put others before ourselves and if we don't do that, the result is a world that is not living in accordance with the will of the Lord.