
Thanks. Not occasionally Ohad says that soon he'll be the 'least lonely' dev in the world. This is narrowly in his trade or job. Imagine if everybody in his/her sphere of interest and work gets boosted by all 'people who ask the same questions'. Mutually. Due to bad communication and collaboration up to now, massive effort gets wasted, or receives insufficient backing or simply gets buried into the archives to be found long after it's been rediscovered and mainstreamed. Problematics comprising extremely fertile array of fields ... Same I see the situation in Law - in all its facets.

how about Artificial Intelligence? Ohad's modus kinda spells that although he be using human submissions to make final decisions. But isnt that related to AI on any level at all?

Well, it is but ... if only we had solid definition of what 'artificial intelligence' is [1] AI nowadays is almost synonymous with ML/NNs. Which is probabilistic / statistical approach. Tau isn't. It is logic. [2] As Ohad mentioned few times, forgot who was the original author, ''AI is what machines can not do yet'', which is the best definition I've ever heard. :) [3] Artificial? WE, humans are all AIs, produced by society. Cf.: feral children. [4] As described Tau definitely automates certain functions which are human-hard... [5] In my understanding Tau is much wider scope than creation of computer which to mimic human on satisfactory level - much more than cybernetic homunculus. :) See Ref.[3] to this post. etc. etc.