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RE: BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY: The Global System is set to receive a Technological Shock of Biblical Proportion and yet so many people are totally oblivious that it's about to happen. "The Biggie"..!!

in #blockchain8 years ago

Agree with you Stephen that this will be the big game changer.
As arturomdg has mentioned, this is a change of paradigm; and yes it is bigger than the internet. Perhaps driven by distrust for all forms of centralized control. The world is coming to an age of decentralization and trust. Trusted blockchains will be the platform driven by totally interactive human content and activity.


"The world is coming to an age of decentralisation and trust."
"The world is coming to an age of decentralisation and trust."
"The world is coming to an age of decentralisation and trust."

Something's are worth repeating. Thanks for the comment. Stephen