Futurama Blockchain Summit

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

IMG-20180507-WA0001.jpgThe day 1 at summit, was regarding block chain and it’s purpose that could reduce the governance of sovereign. The technology can ease current process of mechanism in different sectors significantly by eliminating the middleman and maintaining secure transactions that are not prone to human manipulation and error. The summit was hosted in a luxury hotel- The Meydan, Dubai.

Well the cost of attending the conference was way above my affordability, though my tickets were sponsored as I was hired as an admin for few days prior to my exit from Emirates to help a team during it’s ICO setup. The event had filthy investors who had the hunger to know block chain and nerds who were creative enough to raise Mn dollars with their spectacular projects.

Event was anchored by an entrepreneur ‘ Joshua Hong' and the speakers were well known crypto enthusiast such as Brock pierce, Miko Matsumura and well known YouTubers- Box mining, Suppoman, Datadash and Altcoinbuzz. I was fortunate enough to spend time with each of these individuals discussing about ICOs and recent embarkment of flooded investment, how it has attracted the investors globally impacting the enormous supply of utility tokens.

A governance needs to be created by the community members in order to regulate the mechanism before the centralized body interferes to take over. A fear that flows on every crypto enthusiast, how long could I park my investment without any bearish hope.

Later evening a dinner invite to a grand party midst of dessert for the members was a remarkable moment, delicious buffet with Arabian cuisine and wines, few girls were hired to promote a coin that uses AI to find random match for you in order to set-up a date. I wonder when would I be able to enjoy these moments once again though the probabilities are certainly low I still keep a hope.



@black92, congratulations on making your first post! I gave you an upvote!
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