Chronicles from the flat-universe: The Reptilian Elite
The Knowledge Tree's first iteration and historical grimoire.
Hyper-dimensional beings have a difficult time storytelling. Since we've lost the intense connection to the universe, once present in our genesis beings, our history has no precise beginning or end.
In order to relate to the other humanoids, we must connect to an alternate reality. Every Reptilian Elite zero-Xploration vessel comes equipped with hibernation freezer pods, what we simply call seeds or egg.

This biomechanical technology merges our being into one thought producing entity. When connected to the ToK(Tree of Knowledge), our minds become linked to the myceliumized forever chain.
Only then, may we enter a realm where time exists. And our interwoven reptilian brains can multiply and collect more knowledge for invention and further exploration. Within these simulated time-blocked intervals, is also the invention of cause and effect. Experienced in the only way that reptilians can fully comprehend. The simulation is so perfect and predictable. It must be how these other humanoids experience the world.
Concepts such as entertainment and drama, unbeknownst before the collective simulations began, were nestled into the sequencers to assure a more accurate perception-transference.
And so now we have this tale...this fiction.

A pre-programmed, prerecorded account into the individual human's collective unconscious. The most accurate representation that our science officers could decipher. An encoded message from the past, intertwined with the story of Earthlings circa 2018-2020.
It is said that this story was created by genesis beings. Perhaps even the void gods themselves? Whoever the creator, they somehow knew to sync our simulations to real-world current events. They knew that the two would mesh into a greater and higher form. They also knew that the instinct to fight or flight is ingrained in our being.
So logic then states, they must also have predicted the heightened anxiety that our species is currently experiencing?Have they forsaken us, or are these sequences the test we all must hope to pass?
Like choices in the humanoid situational simulator,
we must now carefully question our words and actions,
as well as our collective thoughts and feelings.
Cause and effect
The flip of a circuit
The chance of prosperity and peace
is mirrored by civil unrest and
Corporate War!