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RE: BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY: "Is Blockchain Technology about to unlock the secrets of the events of 9/11?"

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

i do find that curious. I looked up about 40 names on linkedin and only found 1 with an actual account... 9/11 wasn't an inside job. I'm not an authority or a forensic engineer but theres no inside job and blockchain solving it is just as dumb as the conspiracy itself. I guess thats the internet tho, People believe anything on that there internet.


I would be willing to listen to any evidence you have but merely saying something without providing fact base evidence is how we have sheep in the first place.

Don't waste your time there are people who get paid to protect financial interests. War is a big business, they will stop at nothing to convince us what we saw on TV is true, it takes a person who has no attachment to the fakery spewed out by presidents and politicians who are ultimately professional criminals. This was known in the early 60's that they are all involved in mafias, and the death of Kennedy marks the last hope we had for a president that was trying to resolve the corruption before it became too big and the birth of the term "Conspiracy Theory" which was made by the CIA to shut down anyone who questioned his assassination. They brainwash people with entertainment like "Law and Order" "CSI Miami" and other bullshit I am unfamiliar with as I have turned off the TV for more than a decade, these are designed to mislead people into believing the CIA are good guys, that they do their job to make the country better. It is utter bullshit, corruption has sunken its roots deep into our system slowly after Kenndy's death, to the point where new words need to be invented to describe the evil that is being done to the domesticated sheep and to victims around the world. Cognitive dissonance disables one to believe the government is capable to let it happen or make it happen, and only those who subject themselves to propaganda will reject anything they don't want to hear. This is rare however, it is an era of information. More than likely the people you see responding this way are extremely ignorant, so extremely entertained by their job/life and the infinite amount of useless entertainment you see on TV, or doing their job to protect corporate interests to make more than average pay.

But we wont get anywhere if we cant engage people to at least think out everything they see or hear and not instantly use thought terminating words when they feel triggered.

I have no first hand evidence and you have no first hand evidence either. You weren't there during the event or the clean up after nor do you have a background in forensic engineering. Everything you see and read are things you saw or read on the internet and touting a fake list signatures to legitimize your suspicions is irresponsible. Even if I had evidence, I'm still just a nameless guy on the internet, why would you listen to me?

Yet again. You miss the point. With your latest comment you call the list of signatures fake with out any examples where your comment is factual. I am willing to hear you out but I need more than just saying it is fake. Or from your first comment " I looked up about 40 names on linkedin and only found 1 with an actual account". Here yet again I I would love you so show some proof of what you found.

also have you looked at any of the names? To see if any of those people are real. You're the one posting it. You don't even fact check your own posts, you just want to troll.

So instead of showing or explaining your comment you resort to the Word "troll"? Thats not giving me any confidence in your intellegents. If you are not willing to hold a conversation on your comment maybe you shouldnt have made it.

Talk trash all you want bud, you haven't provided any evidence either. Think I'm done here, have fun in your ma's basement.

I never "talked trash".... I am not attacking you. I have plenty of info I have seen over the years. I dont want you to take my word for it thats why I posted those links so anyone can begin to look for themselves and make up there own mind. I can debate with you at any point but I merely want to start with one thing at a time you still havent even given the slightest reasoning or any info you claimed in your first post let me remind you again...
"i do find that curious. I looked up about 40 names on linkedin and only found 1 with an actual account... 9/11 wasn't an inside job. I'm not an authority or a forensic engineer but theres no inside job and blockchain solving it is just as dumb as the conspiracy itself. I guess thats the internet tho, People believe anything on that there internet."
So I am merely asking if you can clarify this statement a bit more with some of your research or others research that supports your argument and I will gladly read it.
That is my point. We are not gonna get anywhere or learn anything from each other if we continue to talk like this
"Talk trash all you want bud, you haven't provided any evidence either. Think I'm done here, have fun in your ma's basement."

Find my comment on this thread. You can ask me questions if you want. And im not getting paid to protect financial interests, jesus christ. I guess I am just bummed to see this social network fall down this rabbit hole of stupidity.

I am not sure how to reply to this. I do not understand the context you are referring too. Can you clarify your reply for me?

Yeah, sorry. I was trying to respond to "I would be willing to listen to any evidence you have but merely saying something without providing fact base evidence is how we have sheep in the first place." And I am mentioning the financial interest bit because of gamagoro's comment.

bankholiday Since you seem to have the inside track.. When will it be- the upcoming bank holiday?

Conspiracy? During a murderer crime, when was the last time you heard the phrase "conspiracy" throughout the investigation? Never, because during a crime, all evidence, all possible outcomes, and details are looked at regardless of what it may reveal. So to claim that the idea of reinvestigation of an International and Demoestic crime is "conspiracy" is not inly disgusting, its criminal in itself. Anyone whi claims conspiracies should be dropped and not talked about, also deserve complete investigation without immunity. This includes G. W. Busu, who himself said quote, "Conspiracies wont be tolerated", and thats a massive red flag to an investigation. But, alas, theres much evidence coming out now that 9/11 was an inside job, and its not even just Americans who know. Many people around the world are also aware it was fake. There is no conspiracy. Only an unsolved investigation.

There is no new evidence. It's the internet. Don't you think something that happened 15 years ago, there's not one university, not just american but anywhere in the world that has presented any explanation or evidence to bring validity to any of these fringe theories. Some people would rather believe the internet than the truth.

Wrong, there is new evidence. You'd understand this if you'd take the time to review the continuing investigations. Or even prior investigations. Especially those into Bldg 7. The 9/11 panel, after they were forced to conclude their investigation admitted to that they believed there was enough evidence to warrant charges for conspiracy to coverup. This is basic 9/11 knowledge. From 2006! And you're here arguing the same uneducated nonsense.

15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi Nationals. Our allies to this day. GWB sealed 28 pages of the official report that outlined Saudi involvement, trying to hide the fact that the attack was supposedly carried out by our allies.

Even the White House Terror Chief Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance and Cover Up.

Firefighters that were there that day are still fighting to uncover the truth. These are professionals who saw and heard everything and refuse the official narrative.

Thousands of experts in engineering, aviation, architecture, senior military, law enforcement, government, & intelligence on record disputing or refuting the official investigation.

"The seismic signals propagating from New York on September 11, 2001, recorded at Palisades (34 km) and published by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University (LDEO), have here been subjected to a new critical study concerning their sources. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the nature of the waves, their velocities, frequencies, and magnitudes invalidate the official explanations which imply as sources the percussion of the twin towers by planes and the collapses of the three buildings, WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7."

  • Dr. André Rousseau
    Dr. Rousseau is a former researcher in geophysics and geology at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) of France and a specialist in acoustic waves. He is also a member of Scientists for 9/11 Truth.

I could on and on and on. But something tells me you won't bother. Because, like most Americans, you have an opinion and you're going to stick to it. Seriously, you think your responses here were in the least bit intellectual? You added nothing to the conversation. Have some pride in yourself and get educated, your sniping is pathetic.

how do you define new evidence as something that came out from 2006? Define educated too. You got a GED or something like that?

Typical lazy response. If you bothered to click through the links, you would have found more than an article from '06 including peer reviewed studies and up-to-date studies on Bldg 7. You might want to check your grammar before trying to make a snarky response about my potential level of education. Stay the fuck out of this debate if you're not willing to take it seriously. There are families out there still trying to get to the truth of who murdered their loved ones, and all you're doing is proving what a know-it-all know-nothing you are while polluting the debate with snipe comments that mean and add nothing.

lol u mad? What families don't accept the truth of what happened? It's not a debate, much like the holocaust or sandy hook, what happened happened. Could we have done more to prevent it? Absolutely, unfortunately hind sight is always 20/20. But keeping these nameless and faceless accusations out that it was a hoax, or an inside job, or something else sinister is simply nonsense. So u guys can keep armchair engineering as much as you want, but you're wrong and need to get on with your lives. The blockchain isn't solving a damn thing here.

No, you only say it's not a debate because you're too lazy to read through the research and evidence from qualified researches and investigators. Including the 9/11 Commission. What kind of jack ass doesn't bother reading but will spend all this time denouncing the discussion as "nonsense"? You're a POS troll, that's you're only purpose in this discussion.

YoU'rE a PoS tRoLl. tHaTs YoU'rE oNlY pUrPoSe In ThIs DiScUsSiOn.


I will agree there are some wild speculation on what happened that day other than what we saw. But there are some pretty solid science based fact that do not work with the official narrative of what occurred. I don't want to get into speculation. I merely want to debate the hard science proposed by other scientist. I would like to see another investigation.

What scientists and from where? What branch of science? Do you even know which branch would be most relevant? Don't use words like "fact" and "hard science". Names, credible institutions, not trolls.

You were the first to "troll". So if you don't have any intelligent response maybe you shouldn't be making any comments.

"i do find that curious. I looked up about 40 names on linkedin and only found 1 with an actual account... 9/11 wasn't an inside job. I'm not an authority or a forensic engineer but theres no inside job and blockchain solving it is just as dumb as the conspiracy itself. I guess thats the internet tho, People believe anything on that there internet."
Your first comment. Does that fit your definition of a "troll"?