
Typical lazy response. If you bothered to click through the links, you would have found more than an article from '06 including peer reviewed studies and up-to-date studies on Bldg 7. You might want to check your grammar before trying to make a snarky response about my potential level of education. Stay the fuck out of this debate if you're not willing to take it seriously. There are families out there still trying to get to the truth of who murdered their loved ones, and all you're doing is proving what a know-it-all know-nothing you are while polluting the debate with snipe comments that mean and add nothing.

lol u mad? What families don't accept the truth of what happened? It's not a debate, much like the holocaust or sandy hook, what happened happened. Could we have done more to prevent it? Absolutely, unfortunately hind sight is always 20/20. But keeping these nameless and faceless accusations out that it was a hoax, or an inside job, or something else sinister is simply nonsense. So u guys can keep armchair engineering as much as you want, but you're wrong and need to get on with your lives. The blockchain isn't solving a damn thing here.

No, you only say it's not a debate because you're too lazy to read through the research and evidence from qualified researches and investigators. Including the 9/11 Commission. What kind of jack ass doesn't bother reading but will spend all this time denouncing the discussion as "nonsense"? You're a POS troll, that's you're only purpose in this discussion.

YoU'rE a PoS tRoLl. tHaTs YoU'rE oNlY pUrPoSe In ThIs DiScUsSiOn.
