Planning to attend???

Hello everybody! Hopefully your last few days of the December have been well and that you're pumped for 2018! While the weather for the first three months of the new year is always the best out in the Midwest (nights of -10-degree temps and 15 mph winds), I nonetheless have never been more pumped to see what the new year has in store!
After spending this last week re-reading some of the major headlines, articles, and stories for this year, it is getting me absolutely crazy for the year ahead for the blockchain and crypto communities. While we'll recognize this year as an all-time great, I am crazy to see some of the new ideas, projects, and developments to come in 2018! I personally have had a few small development ideas brewing for some time and am looking forward to sharing them as time goes on!
Plus, with a new spring semester rolling up, I and members of BadgerBlockchain are excited to reach out and educate new UW students on the future of this technology. I have come to view student orgs as playing an absolutely critical role in not only educating but connecting more students with other members and industry professionals within the blockchain community.
With that said, I, members of BadgerBlockchain, MadCrypto, and others within Madison's blockchain community will be attending the North American Bitcoin Conference out in Miami from the 18th and 19th (with a kickoff party on the 17th). It'll be my first time out there, but I can't wait to see what is in store. The website has a list of some big-name speakers (Pierce, Shrem, etc.), attending start-ups, and a little of everything in between.
Are any of you signed up to go??? Please let me know cause I'd love to connect and catch up with you when I am out there! It'll certainly be one hell of a time!