Pigzbe - Top Benefits that Pigzbe offers to children

in #blockchain6 years ago


The traditional piggy banks have become an old story – nowadays, with the amalgamation of finance and technology, the digital piggy banks are changing the revolution. The latest generation is extensively attracted towards the technological facets in almost every facet of their routine life. However, making them understand the value of finances and relevance of saving is precisely the need of the hour.

Pigzbe – a 21st-century digital piggy bank has been introduced with the motto of making children manage their finances and savings under parental control. Pigzbe is driven by the cryptocurrency named Wollo, which in turn, expose the kids to the future of the financial sector across the world economies.

Not only is it the financial literacy that this digital piggy bank is offering, but there are a set of benefits that need to be equally acknowledged. Let’s take a look below at the top benefits:

  • Live Money: Throwing back to the days where the kids used traditional piggy banks, once a coin was inserted, it never came back, until unlocked the bank. However, Pigzbe comes with an added advantage of the money being available for further usage, even after it being deposited.

    Also, parents and relatives can make their contributions to this piggy bank whenever and wherever they wish to. Such interface provides an opportunity for the kids to understand their savings and learn to earn their token points.

  • Enhanced Behavioural Traits: Educating a child on finance and money is a complicated process, wherein, some kids may get them all at once, and some may create a problem. Regarding the families being actively involved in educating the child about finances, Pigzbe is a great solution.

    The piggy wallet drives better and smart financial practices from children and trains them to value their money. Also, Pigzbe makes sure of the fact that the kids improve their saving habits and avoid spending on unusual entities.

  • An exposure to Digital Currencies: As illustrated above, Pigzbe is driven by the cryptocurrency – which in turn, is the future of the financial industry across the global economy. Pigzbe is family friendly that expose not only the kids but the entire family to attain adequate literacy on digital currencies.

  • Wollo – the currency for Pigzbe, ensures the appropriate embedment of procedure for using it within the kids. Also, the wallet being under parental control, make sure that the family members get their hands on working with Wollo.

Pigzbe is indeed, the future of the piggy wallet and that the application will provide financial literacy most creatively ever. Crafted with parental control is the unique selling point of Pigzbe that has made the digital piggy bank safe from getting into uncertainties.

The blockchain technology is the future of world economy, and educating a child from the initial age is imperative. Pigzbe will provide essential confidence within the kids and engage them with managing their money smartly.

It is undoubtedly the right time to teach kids financial literacy and get them geared up with Pigzbe for an enhanced learning experience.

You can check more information about Pigzbe on their Website.