in #blockchain8 years ago

"The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) is planning to launch a blockchain-powered private market aimed at helping smaller firms obtain financing"
Is the opening of an article in CoinDesk.

This show how regulators want to control the ICO market, (also the SEC has realeased some information on these certainly giving come clues of where this might go)
They plan to bring an alternative to the current exchanges in order "to finance companies and even list ICO´s and pre-ICO´s off exchange (If some ICO´s are on the earliest stage I don´t know what they mean by pre-ICO)

This comes with a lot of knews related to the issue on how the space will be regulated, but since blockchain technology is constantly searching for descentralization, and open free markets seem like we wiil have to wait, how the industry matures.
NASDAQ and Swiss Stock Exchange just singned a deal in order to integrate blockchain technology, this is nothing knew, big corporations specially banks and traditional exchanges have been on the matter since early 2015.
But looks like pressure for actural integration is increasing.

There are several traditional exchange disruptors on the way like LA tokens (Liquid Assets), Brickblock and many other that want to list digital asstes in their platfrom globally. This 2 projects in particular just started the ICO token sale.
