Konect - The Sustainable Automation Coin

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

The first to incorporate an anti-bubble shield.
Solves the necessity of creating a market value independent of demand and supply
Solves the necessity of securing the future of people who are left unemployed as a result of Automation.
The money invested will be used to finance SUSTAINABLE AUTOMATION.
100% of the net profit in all our APPs and 10% of the turnover (equivalent to 40% of the net profit) of robotics and automation-based physical businesses returns to the currency to increase its value, while another 30% of the turnover in physical businesses goes to our TOKEN (which has a maximum investment of €25,000) and is shared among community backers & users.
Token sale now available at https://konectgroup.com and users get them supporting any of the crowdfunding campaigns.

Blockchain technology has put at our disposal an understanding and control over the economy that would have been "impossible" in any other way. But there is one problem: that it is being used in the market in the same way as traditional capital: allowing stock market speculation and its direct manipulation by demand and supply: In case someone hasn't read the story of monkeys, whose author is anonymous and makes analogy to the functioning of the stock market, they can read it here. https://www.comparativadebancos.com/el-cuento-de-los-monos-y-la-bolsa/ This is a technology that has so much potential that it could put an end to the "great whales" power games in the markets, among many other things. However, like the central banks, we are creating fractional reserves and letting these "big whales" play with the cryptomarkets just as they have done with all the others, even knowing that such speculations create valueless bubbles. That is why the need to finally create an unbreakable value that is not dependent on demand, supply or the fear or optimism of investors, but on real, solid and constantly rising value. Blockchain technology (or what unfortunately most people know as Bitcoin) has brought with it a whole revolution that can be applied in most sectors and decentralize markets and businesses using disruption. But it still has its limitations:

The large amount of resources needed to operate (powerful computers and multiple GPUs (graphics cards) to perform the complex calculations required. This is what causes the value to rise through the clouds as the network collapses and the commissions (gas) for transfers rise.
The volatility of its value and its direct dependence on demand and supply (as in traditional markets).
This is due to the fact that when investors withdraw their profits they are forced to sell their currencies to other investors (in some cases large ICO companies - Internal Coin Offering-), which causes that, if at any given time many investors want to withdraw profits, they will sell their cheapest currencies (or pay more commissions) thus causing a downward trend, which in turn will create an effect dominated by the fear of other investors to loose their profits. And as the real value of any cryptomoney (and not the market value) is defined by the simple division of invested money/amount of created coins, we see that when someone withdraws profits the amount of cryptomoney remains the same but the invested money decreases - what causes the price fall. In addition, the so-called "futures" (Warrants put&call) that have incorporated the stock exchanges into the cryptomoney doubles their volatility (this is explained elsewhere). Our solution:

"KONECT"- The anti-bubble cryptomoney coin

The first to incorporate an "anti-bubble"shield, making it totally independent of demand and supply. First problem and its solution: large resource capacity needed in Blockchain To solve this, a "centralized" scheme will be used first - such as Ripple until we have enough computing power to "encrypt in Q" (quantum language). In this way, although it will not be decentralized in the first years of its life, it will be so as soon as possible (it will be clear to the Blockchain community that we fully support the "philosophy of decentralization", only for the moment it does not adapt to our needs). And the second problem is demand and supply. As I have already specified above, the real value of the currency is the division between invested capital/quantity of created coins. So, what would be the way to keep your price always in front of any situation?.

Do you remember seeing companies destroying their own products to maintain their price?

Well, let's look at the concept of an anti-bubble shield:

First of all, users will be able to buy only with dollars and euros, since they are solid currencies and they won't trade K's with each other. They will be able to do so, but it would not make sense, since we will always offer the opportunity to buy K's and withdraw profits instantly, so no one will want to buy more expensive or sell cheaper than they can do with us as long as there is a "universal" value.
In order to make Konect a secure long-term value, the withdrawal of profit will be blocked for the first 2 years of the investment.(for higher ammounts than 25000 $)
Coins will be "burned" when your profit is withdrawn, and others will be created when they are purchased. In "creation", 1% of the external currency is "burned" and in profit withdrawal, just the K's that are removed are burned. In this way, even if investors suddenly remove more than half of all the money invested, the value will remain exactly the same, unlike any other currency, where that would mean a significant drop in price.
SUSTAINABLE AUTOMATION and DECENTRALIZED ROBOTICS - The money invested will be used to FINANCE Sustainable Automation and Decentralized Robotics, while 10% of the production generated by robotics will return to the currency and be "burned". This will increase the value of the COIN.

Another 30% will go to our Token: KONECTICO, whose maximum investment will be €25,000.

We establish a maximum investment to avoid abusive speculations, as in the case of the big mining companies of bitcoin and ethereum and to put it at the reach of the collectives with medium and low acquisition power.

Konect_Konectico - EN.png
To achieve this, the first step is to create INTELLIGENT CERTIFICATES of ROBOTIC DECENTRALIZATION. The level of certification for each business will depend on the level of decentralization and all their products and services offered can be sold with the same certification that the business has.
Konect_Certificados - EN -.png

Implementation mode:

Case 1: New fully or partially automated companies

Step 1. The purchase of robots is done with the money contributed by the community of collaborators and everything else (local, reforms, etc.) with the money of the investors.
Step 2. The new business is opened with Certificado SA
Step 3. Token money will be used to pay the company a monthly fee for robot maintenance.
Step 4. The company distributes a minimum of 20% among the community Token (30% in case automation is full)-, while 10% will be "burned" to raise the value of the cryptomontage and thus attract more investors.

Case 2: Existing companies that want to automate their business

Step 1. A study is made of the possible automation by our experts and a viable solution is offered.
Step 2. The robots are purchased and installed. Now the company becomes a robot mining company. In this case, as it is an existing company and has workers, they will have preference when it comes to obtaining the tokens.
Step 3. Token money will be used to pay the company a monthly fee for robot maintenance.
Step 4. The company distributes a minimum of 20% to the community Token (30% if automation is full) - - while 10% will be "burned" to raise the value of the cryptomontage and attract more investors.

Case 3: Companies that already have robots and automated production lines.

Step 1. The robots are purchased according to their market price, age and state with the money contributed by the community of collaborators. The company has now become a robot mining company.
Step 2. Token money will be used to pay the company a monthly fee for robot maintenance. This blocks the possibility that robots can generate losses for companies.
Step 4. The company distributes a minimum of 20% among the community Token (30% if automation is full), while 10% will be "burned" to raise the value of the cryptomontage and attract more investors.

Token sale is now available at https://konectgroup.com supporting any of the crowdfunding campaigns.