Alt-News: A few words about Alt-news

in #blockchain7 years ago

Hey everyone!

As some of you know I've been into cryptocurrencies since early 2013. I don't just say that I've been that, I know there are many out there that go around telling people they've been into crypto's and blockchain since 20XX. I also have proof to back that up and have done so in some posts in the past like this one where I went back to an old BTC mining pool from 2013 and picked up some coins that were waiting there for me. Can't believe I was mining BTC with a laptop GPU back then, and it wasn't even an AMD one.

Anyway, the point with these posts will be to talk about major news that I gather from some good sources and are mostly in good time to get in with small investments. The saying to "never invest more than you can afford to lose" is always important cause in these markets you can never know what happens. Luckily for you though these risks mean often that the rewards are much higher, especially if you hold long enough, then even small investments can bring back huge returns like it has happened time after time again.

In Alt-News #5 I was talking about the rebranding of Antshares to NEO and the big meeting they had. The coin was trading for roughly $5 a piece at the time and is now hovering above $22. The other currency I also talked about in the same post was TenX which is a Singaporean start-up that's focusing on creating a debit card for cryptos and at the time of writing that it was trading at around $0,70 on the free market where anyone could purchase a stake of it and is now hovering above $2.

Of course not all coins I talk about have seen a rise, there are always different factors involved and that's why you should always be careful when investing. This post is not made to brag but to assure you that the currencies I talk about in these posts are serious ones that have the potential to become really big through real world adoption. IOTA also doubled in price since I talked about it in one of these posts, Sia coin has not moved much though, yet.

Image from Pixabay.

Having been around and following the crypto markets for so long you start seeing patterns and realize that many of these currencies that have a certain scarcity and potential do go through similar phases in the charts, most of the time as long as the potential is still there and development is ongoing they have a good chance of growing in volume and value. This might be a lot because of the open-source nature of currencies and much like investors in them, the early ones have an advantage over others in that specific field. Since they can be upgraded and developed over time they keep getting better and better and the main reason many of these increase so much is cause they all have something in common with each other.

They use the block-chain technology which can compete against any services we use and are familiar with today.

Even though most of it is speculation many are willing to bet their value that some of these will become the next big ones to outdo the middle-men rich and costly services we use today and I personally can't wait for a world where things cost less for us people to use thanks to the tech.

I haven't been able to post much lately due to some projects I'm working on on the side for the Steem network but will try to spend more time on important posts like these, especially now that I've decided to spend less of my time moderating :)

Stay tuned!


Good Post.

Like he cares too much with a 2.22 self-vote, cripes!

Patterns in coins/charts are what you need to follow for sure, well done on getting on the scene relatively early.

p.s. can i do a blog advertising your EPL Fantasy league? I'm excited (as always) for the start of the season!

Oh, man. I would be so freaking happy to find out I had some BTC just laying around from years ago, haha. How much was BTC back in 2013? It must have been a few hundred per coin, right?

And, it's crazy how much of a growth the NEO coin has had already as well. I didn't expect it to go up to $22 already. Anyways, thanks for the info, bud! I'll be on the lookout for your next post. Or, maybe I should actually stop being lazy and go join up on the steemit chat so I could try and talk to some new people :P

It was still at 2 digits but went over $100 that year. :)

Yeah do that, is definitely a nice way to get in contact with people and start out your Steemit experience!

Oh, man...I really wish I would have been older back in 2013. I've gotta say, I really applaud everyone who was an early adapter of BTC and crypto in general back in 2012/2013. Except for that one guy who traded 10k BTC for 2 pizzas. I would have probably offed myself had I done that.

Alright, so I joined up, lol. Any channel recommendations besides the general and promotion ones?

#yunk maybe xD

Uh, what does yunk stand for so I don't seem like an idiot if I start chatting, lol?

Everything and nothing. :p

I'll just go in there and start quoting the bible all the time. That couldn't possibly bother or annoy anyone right :D?

Ooops...should have kept reading...I see you DID JOIN CHAT!
Cool, hope to see u in there....quoting Bible or not!

Yeah, you should join chat, it is fun over there sometimes!
A lot of great people there..... @acidyo kept the bar pretty high. ;-D

Glad to see you motivated and keeping busy , keep working hard on your projects ! Steem will always be here waiting for you to show us your results :D @acidyo

Thanks for the nice comment. :)
Can I suggest not to vote on own comments? I personally do vote on comments on most of my own posts and others but seeing them being self-voted makes me not want to reward them. :)

Advice taken :D won't happen again :)

It will be great if everything goes according to plan heh.

By the way, how is @strawhat doing? I didn't see him posting for a while. Did he steal a pirate ship and sailed away?

Haha he is doing okay, he has been out camping and hiking and was in fact going to make a post soon about that. At least that's what he said last time I spoke with him. :)

Oh, Good good! Waiting for him to come back heh!)

Wish I had known BTC in 2010, I was too busy playing counter strike and star craft in the computer shops.

TenX trade on bittrex?
I've been doing well with ANS/NEO

Yeah I believe it does!

Its [PAY]. :D

I will be looking forward to your next picks, make everyone everyone rich lol

@acidyo, I feel bad I didn't read the post where you talked about NEO. Please is it still advisable to invest in it now? If not, what other coin would you advice me to invest in now?

Thank you as I anticipate your response.

I can't really give any advice about it now, but make sure to follow future alt-news posts as the news are rather fresh and often may Lead to upcoming pumps.

OK. Thanks for this reply @acidyo.

Hi @acidyo your post reminds me of the wonderful days when we were and could mine some BTC with our laptops. Good old days I must say and the price of BTC has increased many folds since then. I love the idea of your post. It is indeed a good ideas to spot a coin that is about to go up in value . Looking forward to reading your post to follow and understand what to buy when and when to book profits ;)

Oh you kids. I've been in crypto since around mid 2017.