Up until last week the Blockchain with the highest activity stats was Bitshares, but this week the Steem Blockchain took over and is currently sitting second place on the table with Bitshares relegated to fouth place
Ethereum is currently topping the table and thats probably due to the Cryptokitties phenomenom
I can confidently say however that the rise of the Steem Blockchain actitivity was not solely as a result of new signups, as we all know the price of Steem and Steem Dollars have been bullish for a while now, especailly that of Steem Dollars which is meant to be pegged at $1
When the news spread of the price change spread, a lot of people who abandoned their Steemit accounts for a while now came rushing back so as to lay their hands on the precious SBD. The Steem Train has been full since and running at almost full capacity, I personally know of seven people who were not active, but appeared out of the blues to start posting on their blogs.
One of the consequences of the mass return is the upward trend in the amount of Shit posts been pumped out and don't get me started about the number of Spam comments that I have come in contact with over the past few days, a lot of people who apperared out of the blues wants to get the highest payout possible
This post however is not a rant, I want to help those returnees who are willing to provide value on the right way to go about it, as for the spammers I am sure they will recieve their full measures of flags
So if you are a returnee burning to give value a lot of things might be running through your mind right now: The guilt that you have let your readers down,and you are not even sure that they will care if your blog posts pops up on their home feed.
Will they open your post or will they just dismiss you as another SBD scavenger. They have probably moved on and replaced you with someone that they can really count on
Now before you resign yourself to faith and just pump out a Shit post, know that it is never too late to rebuild your reputation in the eyes of your readers, you can always regain their attention just as you gained it previously, and that cannot be achieved by random posting, it requires strategy

Say Hello
The secret to blog growth on Steemit has always been post engagement. In this case, it requires you to pay your readers blog a visit and say hello. Interact with their content and learn what they are currently up to
The key to getting whatever you want on Steemit is always tied to giving value upfront and that is where I see a lot of people fail, they appear out of the blues and expect people to give you a hug and read all your posts and comment on them
And when saying hello, don't tell them of the "Wonderful" post you have written about Snails or Cryptokitties, read their work and leave a valueable comment, if you are enchanting enough they will visit your blog and see what you are up to
Your Hello should also not be limited to Steemit, visit those numerous communities you are a part of on Steemit Chat and Discord and let them know that you are back, the same thing that applies to Steemit also applies there, you have to contribute In order to gain attention
You also know that you have to be geniuine in everything that you are doing. The bullshit senso radar in the social media world have greatly increased, people will know when you are sincere and when you are just coming to exploit them

Write Epic Content
In Case you don't know what Epic Content is. Epic content is a kind of Content that will make your readers welcome you back with open arms, it will make them rejoice at your return and make them wonder how they ever survived without you
Do all you can to write content that is actually worth reading, even if it means writing only one post. Honestly that is what you have to do, write an epic post and spend the rest of your time online Interacting with the post of others. I say this because I have seen a lot of SBD desperado who make up to four posts In a day and 90% of the time, the content is severly watered down
The remaining 10% that post quality content are mostly poets and story tellers
Your return should not be hallmarked by forgetable content, you should write a post that will make your readers glad that you came back. You will restore trust when you show your audience that you still know your stuff
Your revival post should be some jam packed with value, that it will make your audience remember why they followed you in the first place

Close The Back Door
Closing the back door means putting things in place that will help you regain the consistency you need to keep your blog active.
Blogging is a long game, and as with any long game, you need to put things in place that will ensure that you do not run out of resources you need to succeed
The blogging game is very lonely especially when the people around you cannot get why you spend all day on your phone or laptop browising a site that promises you invisible Money
The solution to this is connecting with amazing individuals on this platform that will inspire and support you. This will give you a reason to come back everyday
Over the past few months I have made a lot of connections on this platform that have given me tons of Inspiration to continue my work of changing the world in my own little way
Discord is a hot bed for a lot of Steemit communities, and those communities can expose you to a lot of people and you can always get accountablity patners who will always keep you on your toes to put in your best at all times
Going throught these processes I have laid out might seem hard or look like time wasting to you, but it is a process you have to go through if you are really ready to take your blog seriously
I for one believe that the upward trend achieved by Steem is sustainable, I am not sure about that of Steem Dollars, but just like I have always said, money should not be your sole focus
Legacy will always beat Currency
Thanks For Reading
Image Source: Pexels and Free i- stock Images
Well said. I was one of those folks back in the day. When steem dropped to just a few cents I abandoned ship, but for whatever reason I came back shortly thereafter. It's honestly sometimes more difficult to come back after something like that than to just start fresh. Great post!
Thanks for reading and sharing your story @brandonp
Wow. I love this.
Part of the returnees but not for SBD scavenging. School took me away although. Perhaps am feeling guilty because I left my love (steemit and blogging)
You one of those steemians I admire and appreciate most. Thanks for checking on me at a particular time then.
Always coming with good advice, strategic ones.
Came at the right time.
Like they say a befitting burial, this is a befitting end for this great post. You right bro even your legacy is capable of making currency for you .
Kudos boss
Hello @tormiwah
Thanks for reading and your vote of confidence. I appreciate.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sure bro
Well said. Yeah, the floodgates always open up when the price rises... it's interesting. I'd love to see statistics on who is posting or commenting regardless of price, vs who only comes around when there's extra loot to be had.
Overall though, as you point out, it's not the timing of the posts which is so troublesome, so much as the wave of low-quality posts which tend to emerge.
I've never been a really frequent poster... I tend to only write something when I have something meaningful to share... I always want to make it epic, lately, I've been hoping to get more time to focus on writing some things which could be worthy of that adjective.
Which I suppose is another way of saying, your reputation is the most important currency, so take the long view. -- I couldn't agree more!
Keep leading by example. :)
Hello @lovejoy
Thanks for reading and the added Insights. I personally believe that this recent pump in the Steem and SBD price is a form of reward for those who stuck with Steemit during those periods when the price of both assets were tethering round $1 .
Those coming In will not fully enjoy the new price because they have nothing to exchange or cash out.
I also don't believe that this is a period to cash out. This is a time to take this oportunity for everyone to increase their cryptocurrency Investments in preparation for next year.
A lot of money will be entering the crypto space next year and those who incest now will have massive returns if they invest wisely.
Following you to get your occasional doses of awesomeness.
Hey @ogochukwu,
AHEM! You nailed it. I guess you have been monitoring those 7 spirits, sorry persons that you said returned for the SBD hunting....;lolx
They are everywhere like flies. I also noticed a lot of new names and faces with quite avrg reputation showing they have been here before.
My opinion on this matter is; if you have to wait for SBD to pump before you return then you don't even know why you joined Steemit in the first place. Isn't that just sad?
If you can see the future prospects of Steemit, you wouldn't want to miss a second outside here. So much to be gained from being active.
ANd one thing about leaving is that when you return, you will be like Okonkwo in Chinua Achebe's novel... Things Fall Apart, And the Center Cannot Hold...
Cheers bro.
Hello @nairadaddy
Nice Okonkwo reference, a lot of returnees are getting frustrated right now because they are not getting the upvotes they so desire.
They fail to realize that it is Humans that brings upvotes and that can only be possible if you bring those Humans value.
Thanks for dropping by
Always the keen one to takes time to advised steemians on the virtues of the community and concepts of blogging. Thanks man for being awesome always.
P.S My gadgets was stolen so i have not been online for quite a while now. Communicate to me your current location through Buter. We need to talk.
Well done man.
It is nice to have you back and I am saddedened by the loss of your devices.
I will contact you tonight.
This is so direct and informative, good one @ogochukwu. "Legacy will always beat Currency" was the highlight of it. Thanks for sharing these great ideas.
Thanks for reading @kayceesuave
hahahaha @ogochukwu, I can only wish I could make myself spam shitposts multiple times a day because I totally would but no, instead all that comes out of me is the long-ish thinkwank on crypto, pop science, entertainment and self-aggrandizingly pompous statements on human nature.
Hopefully I will find an audience of people who like the same stuff I like because that's all I ever seem to write: stuff I like.
It is good to write on things your audience will relate with.
You should also aim to Invest more time in engaging with the post of others.
@ogochukwu: Isn't that what I'm doing right now? LOL
Hahahaha but seriously, if you check my comment section, you will see that I rarely-to-never fail to respond to comments and engage others na. I was doing it before my hiatus and I am doing it now that I am back.
You went all out, gun blazing on this one. Can it explain the sudden surge/interest, new guys of late? Now that you mentioned it, that might be a possibility. Wow.
As I said to you elsewhere, "You're goddamn right."
I thought as much too. It's all for the best, the more the merrier.
Makes me feel like Arnold Schwarzenegger LOL
Thanks for reading @greenrun
I completely agree with the importance and benefits of making genuine connections on Steemit!
Somedays I don't even know what I'm going to post, but know I have to hop online to checkout and support whatever my friends are up to!
Oh and that last line was powerful af bro! Legacy will always beat currency!
Yes bro @waphilip . It is very Important to build genuine Human connections where ever you find your self.
The real currency of the World is Humans , Not Money.
Long time no see @ogochukwu!
Thank you for that much needed reassurance, I have been out of sorts lately- But wow, a lot has been going on. I had slowed down to 1 post every three days, but I am receiving a lot of encouragement to participate regularly again. I gotta make sure I am not posting for the sake of doing such, but aiming for high quality regardless the SBD and STEEM prices. I love reading you straightforward advice.
With love,
Nice to have you back @shello
Posting for the sake of it is actually harder than posting something purposeful.
just take your time and rest if you neeed to.
Thank you for the warm welcome back @ogochukwu,
There are a lot of changes going on in my daily life, as I try to build up good habits and routines to get my grounding. I agree, trying to write something with no substance gets difficult, we would run out of things to write c;
With love,
Thanks for reading @shello and welcome back