Why You Got Blacklisted - Blind Followers of @ATS-DAVID & His abusive behaviour!
@blacklist is a system of systems that store abusive behaviour like excessive flagging by individual users in a database. Lately a rush of individual accounts like @surpassinggoogle and @revostrike among many others got added to the database. So many in fact that we had to figure out why.
Investigation discovered that all these individual accounts came from a trail lead by @ats-david and abused so excessively, like a bully targets individual users again and again which autonomously triggered a smart-script to blacklist these accounts.
When an account is blacklisted, a small flag from @blacklist is added to that particular account when they make a post and does so that automatic curation-guilds and individual bots who follow @blacklist stop voting for those accounts on suspicion of X, Y or Z. Take a look for yourself.
A result of following a bad curation/guild-leader that flag users with YOUR account is that people get pissed off at YOU, so think twice before you blindly sign up to follow someone who claim to be good at curation when it is obvious that, in this case @ats-david may be the rather opposite as he climb to second place on the HALL of SHAME list.
Get smarter, people.
If you had more transparency, maybe we might trust you.
All of this may be true, but you have undermined your own credibility by attacking people who do not deserve it.
Thus why I make a Steem Cleaner diss track
The choice of having 'Downvotes' ON by default in streemian.com is probably not a good idea. It has consequences like what is being talked about in this thread. I would suggest that streemian.com change the default option to OFF. Then people must explicitly opt-in to downvoting on a trail.
Or remove down voting completely from trails options. Just because it's possible doesn't mean it should be offered
Goodness @blacklist you have gotten under someone's skin. You have been flagged by a voting chain. Hahaha evil laugh and grin.
It's funny that finally it posted something so can be flagged.
By accident or intended?
They seem to have an understanding of Steemit, so I can only assume that they knew this would happen. They must have found the sacrifice of a thousand flags to be a worthy payment for getting the opportunity to share their side of the story.
I just wish their side of the story had been better..
someone just got sigma-ed
This post is pure bullshit as is the campaign to attack @ats-david. Any flags cast by @ats-david have been in direct response to unfounded personal attacks on his character. In short, they were well deserved flags.
I don't know who you are referring to as high and mighty bunch, but i speak for myself. Grouping me up with people is a mistake. I have a personal tiff with ATS about a difference in opinion about the seperate rewards pool. Which i also pointed out to him in the price channel. Again you know 0 about my personal situation with ATS and why I think he is committing fuckery. Which has nothing to do with any of this shit currently going on. I only came here because you my good sir tagged me lol. Again you are less informed, but amusing to me. @mynameisbrian

Oops. My bad. I forgot to research Sir Lunch's life story before commenting.
This has been a great thread because I am discovering all sorts of wonderful steemians to mute. So long @sirlunchthehost.
wth is up with you people, can't you speak to each other is a way, without cutting off the roots, this just has to be an attack to ats- whoever disagrees gets muted because hes no on the meme level of intelligence and didn't pass the "level"
Ok sure. I'll unmute Señor Almuerzo.
Nice conversation on here :D the spam is supreme :D is it worth a laugh or nothing i general,
can't believe blacklist got 60 comments :D:D:D:D:D
I never attacked ats-david. I was in the middle of a talk with smooth which contradicted something about his voting on a post that happened to belong to ats-david. Those who flagged me were unaware and disgusted that the user they trusted as their trail would use their votes to flag me. Many of them are now disassociating themselves from it. So while ats can do what he wants with his own flag, all of those people did not think I deserved their involuntary flags.
Same goes for @sirlunchthehost.
I know nothing about your communications with @ats-david, but I did see the memes that @sirlunchthehost created and I can see why @ats-david chose to flag them. If you are going to create content that directly mocks, attacks, or insults someone flags will likely come your way. I did so with the Steem Guild and I received an abundance of flags from SG team members. No big deal.
You all keep harping about @ats-david's trail but he is very open about his goals as a curator as well as how he votes. You cannot blame him for the fact that people have chosen to join his trail. If they are unaware of how he is voting or if they have an issue with it, then they have not performed their due diligence.
So how come he didn't notify those on his trail about the flags? I had to do it myself and I can tell you they were not pleased. I have no problems with ats as a person, but him having a problem with me, doesn't mean his trail has a problem with me.
I'll just repeat myself...
Also, I just looked at the @sirlunchthehost meme post again and there are other heavy hitting non-ats-trail down votes there too. Just saying... in that case the impact of his trail was dwarfed by other downvotes.
First off, I meme'd ATS because of things he is doing to the platform. I don't care about his flags when I am blatantly trying to annoy him. Before you defend him though, make sure you know he is not committing fuckery lol. Also by all means, stop putting the @ in front of my name so I don't have to get tagged. Its kinda annoying to be tagged by people who are less informed.
@sirlunchthehost You are a high and mighty bunch aren't you?
Thanks for solidify my opinion of you. And don't worry, I won't be tagging you again either.
Flag being the relevant word. Not flags, as I only called him a cunt. No one else. And he is a cunt, so I'd argue that it did not even warrant a flag. That's suppressing the truth and equates to censorship.
PS: Stop the arselicking. I'm sure he can defend himself.
Holy shit you are insane man. Muting. Goodbye.
Seeing as how I cannot separate my one flag from those who have chosen to follow my votes, this is a moot point. And in either case, your comment would be a personal attack, which is certainly flag-worthy.
You'd do well to understand these things.
One- It;s not a moot point. You could simply make the decision not to flag it. You'd do well to understand that. It's called morality.
Two- Are you having a fucking laugh at that other message of yours I just read?
"We all know you're full of shit?" "You don't have a shred of integrity."
Who is this we you are talking about?
I have encountered at least ten people who, without me even mentioning my own distaste for you, have openly admitted that you're a snake, a liar, or an abuser of the system. It is you who is lacking in integrity and it is not a secret by any stretch of the word.
My integrity is not, and has never been in question. At least, not by anyone who possesses the integrity necessary to judge integrity in another.
As for linking steemdb. I turned to my brother who I was with whilst reading that comment, and said to him, "Is this cunt stupid?"
You knew that your message would provoke me to go and get the proof, and I could not understand why you would be so fucking stupid as to do that.
I realise now that it was not stupidity, but quite the opposite.
You clearly knew that upon visiting steemdb I would find that I could not go back further than 5 days to uncover the abuse I mentioned.
Having just realised this now, I see you were once again devious in nature. You really are a despicable human being, David.
Now stop wasting my time.
thats all of you not just SOS.
Downvoted for stupidity, corruption, and extortion.
Whilst I agree that ats-david is abusing the system, and he has even used my own follower's voting power to flag comments of mine on a couple of occasions, I do not think this is the correct way to go about things.
Flagging the members of the trail, who offered their power with good intentions, is silly. They do not deserve that, nor do they deserve to be excluded from potential curation trails because of the bad choice they made.
If you would like to awaken them to abuse of their power on the part of ats-david, then speak to them. Tell them what you have observed and see if you can convince them to remove their voting power from his trail.
What you are doing now is no better than what he is doing, so if you are really about morality and improving steemit, prove it and change your methodology.
Hes not abusing the system. Those people choose to follow ats david and explicitly chose to follow his downvotes. they also probably had the opportunity to remove those downvotes after they were cast.
where is the abuse?
I don't have time for this conversation. I have had it already. You can observe his use of the delegated voting power on steemdb and decide for yourself whether your interpret it as abuse. I certainly do.
You can also choose to not vote for comments or downvotes in Streemian.. your argument is a moot point.
The only moot point is that you seem to think there is any argument I am participating in. I have previously spoken of this and why it is abuse in great detail. I do not intend to invest any more of my time into discussing it.
I was referring to the set of points you made in your paragraph.
Well, if I was intent on debating I would have expanded on my points. I did not, because the purpose of the message was to persuade the poster to stop flagging people unnecessarily.
I think it is very clear that the message was delivered with this purpose, so when you say my point was moot, you clearly didn't even understand the point.
I think you choosing to use the word argument is rather telling too. It seems that is what you are looking for, and I cannot be arsed to provide you with one.
Please enjoy your night, but do so without messaging me if possible.
Joining a voting trail for profit is voluntary, you can voluntarily choose to follow upvotes or downvotes. Comments and posts. People are not forced into this arrangement. It is not abuse.
Your 'argument' that you say you've covered already can be found here...
I think your reply certainly counts as racist and incredibly offensive - that's abuse.
Part of it can be found there. Yes. Hence my reluctance to repeat myself when my opinions are already accessible on the blockchain.
I don't remember exactly what I said on the flagged comment, but I am certain it was not racist.
I suggest you read it and maybe apologize for your hateful words and lack of understanding about how the trail system works.
@wingz @sigmajin @ats-david @son-of-satire
I'm not defending anyone here, because I don't know the whole situation and its clear I'm not going to without a whole lot of research that I'm not interested in doing - I'm not going to moderate. I have no stake of any kind in this argument. So, please do not misunderstand this as an attack against any of you - I just wanted to point out something.
Thanks to David, I was able to see what this offensive comment was (scroll down a bit to see the screen capture, which SOS has not called false). I read it with dispassionate interest and it seems to me that emotions are running high because the interpretation that he was being racist is incorrect. Having been in heated debates in the past, I know how easy it is for emotions to make us misunderstand things.
I'm not judging anyone, in case it's not clear.
David was called a cunt, that is true. Yes, it's offensive and if someone wanted to flag him, it would be understandable because it's an ad hominem attack, which I view as unnecessary (although I sometimes FEEL like some users here and elsewhere are deserving, I refrain). Personal attacks tend to produce lasting negative feelings and, except in the case of trolls and similar, are usually not deserved. All of us have our good and bad points.
Personally, I think it's best not to let negative words bother us - it gives others power over us. But, without proper mindfulness, most people can never do that, and the media certainly makes no effort to teach us about more mature ways of reacting to things. Of course, for some people having their image besmirched is a big deal, so they respond by flagging. That is their right.
David was NOT called a nigger, nor was his mother called a whore. The sentence in question is an exemplar of a much worse insult that could've been hurled by SOS, which is clear from his presentation of it ("I don't care if I had called you..."). To claim racism is blatantly incorrect, although I am sure that many people might easily make this mistake - both people for whom English is not their first language, as well as native English users who are not well-versed in grammar.
That is the reason I interjected - to clarify for all who are unaware that no racism is present in the referenced message.
Again, I am a neutral party - I have no idea about the larger issue here, or with @blacklist. Don't shoot the messenger. ;)
I hope you all can settle this matter amicably. Sorry if what I wrote seemed offensive - that was not my intention.
I agree with you, sort of, about the you about the use of the N-word. though, the rhetorical trick -- sneaking an an offsenive insult in under cover of a hypothetical "what if i said" or "someone else might say" .
Example (and im really not trying to insult you, as i think you made your point well)
If i said "some people might think that only a stupid asshole would make an argument like the one youre making" im not really calling you an asshole. Except i kind of am. No not technically. But still.
Also, there are some people who consider any use of the n-word to be offensive. Now you might think those people are wrong, and silly, but is their "sacred cow" really any more absurd than SOS's?
ATSD voted -- he expressed an opinion. And SOS found that offensive the same way some people might find the causal use of the n-word offensive. I think both positions are pretty retarded (CWIDT?). But not one more than the other.
Also also, you really don't get to drop the C-bomb and say "his reaction was totally over the top and im so surprised and offended by it."
At best you get to say "i did my level best to provoke this guy by calling him one of the worst words that exists, and now i am going to elect to be super butthurt about his very very very forseeable reaction to that provocation"
Just found this, quite by accident, as you'd slaughtered my username. ;) Good point, btw!
Casual use of the n word to make your point isn't racist?
sorry, i don't agree. im not PC, but i do believe that people ought to comport themselves with a certain amount of decorum.
Lol. You're quite the dreamer.
I do not need to search for it. I know that it was not racist, and I have nothing to apologise for.
A friendly reminder...
No surprise then why you were flagged. Stop crying about it and trying to spin it into me being some kind of "abuser." And learn how trails work while you're at it. You have yet to do that, even after the last "discussion."
Indeed. Look at all of the "abuse." You can see the flags and you can see the posts that received them. Trolling and personal attacks/harassment.
They trusted him. He abused that trust. Many have removed themselves from his trail after being notified that their votes were used to flag.
true or false. They signed up of their own violition and agreed to follow his flags, as well as his upvotes, when they had the option to do only the latter.
Are you going to follow me around now?...
yes. Because, i followed you into this thread that i commented on and voted on before you.
beanz - whats happened? Why are you so angry?
I don't think he was wrong about steem guild, I'm glad people brought attention to the flaw in their program. But I will say that I've never liked the way ats-david approaches problems like that. Harassing users like @honeyscribe over having 2 minnow accounts (oh no) for example.
My comments on his post were completely irrelevant to that or to ats as a person. They were directed to smooth in relation to a conversation we had just had on another post. Which happens to be the same argument ats had made about the steemguild (ironically).
So it was all taken out of context.
Ok, that's a fair point. Now I think we both need to go to bed... it's far too late. Why am I even awake? lol
LOL, I'm not angry @wingz. You know me! Did you ever see me angry? I'm a little surprised this guy who used memes to point out steem guild would say that a post with memes pointing out the smooth guild is "deserving" of a bunch of involuntary flags. Really the hypocricy all over this is hilarious.
Edit: I mistakenly thought this was about my reply to mynameisbrian. So to put it into context, check those comments. Or read my "bully" comments on ats-david's post directed at smooth (which you already read and you interpreted correctly that they were directed at him - not the ats-victim) so yeah it's all good you already know.
I know, this is why I'm confused. You were probably one of the nicest funkiest people I met at Steemfest. What I was saying was more in reference to the chat we had the other day about smooth.
I just think ats has tried to argue the points about guilds, voting linearity, hardforks, sock puppets etc reasonably well. I don't see why everyone is having a go at him.
How has @ats-david been abusive?
I'll humour you even though it's a waste of time :)
That's quite a mouthful of fluff, but you don't present a single piece of evidence. Ats-david is a valuable curator and to downvote accounts delegating voting power to his guild (trail) for no good reason presented would qualify as abusive behaviour. These are just users who believe in ats-david's curation and want to contribute to it. Perhaps you should investigate adding @blacklist to the blacklist. :)