Warning! Bittrex Phishing website found!

in #bittrex7 years ago

an ad appeared in the google search results, thanks to AdWords google's advertising platform, that pointed clickers to a Phishing website. The Phishing website was a clone of the cryptocurrency exchange website Bittrex.com. Even tho the ad shows the URL Bittrex.com people were taken to the URL bittreix.com.

It is unclear how this ad passed through Google AdWords team, which is known for refusing ads for mysterious reasons or when anything doesn't look kosher.

Anyhow. Beware of the AdWords search result when it comes to accessing anything that has to do with your money. Bookmark the Url of your Exchange and financial service providers.

Be safe out there.

Note: This article was first published in kryptency.com

The information was originally shared in a trading alerts group.