Bitshares - State of the Network - 19th September 2017

in #bitshares8 years ago

Welcome to the 53rd Bitshares State of the Network (BSotN) report. A weekly report focusing on the changes in the ecosystem and track longer term changes in a effort to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares platform.

Bitshares - State of the Network - 19th September 2017

The Bitshares State of the Network Reports seeks to combine raw data from a wide range of metrics and combine them into meaningful information to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares network.

Observation from this week

This section will highlight any observations made while analysing the data.

  • Bitshares has broken it old record by achieving 920,000 Operations in 1 day! Which gives it a 24 hour average of 10.64 Operations per second (i.e on the 13th of Sept, every second 10.64 operations (transfers, order creates/cancels/fills, account creation, asset creation, voting ect) occurred on the Bitshares Blockchain)

  • The Bitshares TESTNET has successfully hardforked. The hardfork includes BSIP0018 and some minor consensus upgrades. Testing is being performed before being given the all clear for the changes can be merged into the Bitshares production network.

  • A new version of the Bitshares reference wallet (light client) has been released this week (version 2.0.170915). You can find more information on the release HERE

  • @Stan has done an interview with radio host Kerry Lutz this week. This interview covers everything from bitcoin, the billion hero campaign, ICOs and the Token Exchange Self Regulating Body (TXSRB). You can find the interview HERE

  • @Stan has done an interview with Giselle Koy (@gisellekoy), the interview is part of the "My Digital Sovereignty" series. You can view the full interview HERE

  • Transwiser has announced they will be shutting down their Chinese operation under the Transwiser branding and replacing current services with Magic Wallet. You can see the official announcement HERE and see Magic Wallet HERE

  • @Jeremypeng and the BitUniverse team have released and announcement today open sourcing their new Bitshares Wallet and Trade mobile application. The app is currently available for download from the google playstore HERE. You can view their announcement HERE and you can view the code on their github page HERE

  • BitSilver has been affected by a global settlement event which has prevented the smartcoin from being borrowed into existence. Current supply is still trading as normal but no new BitSilver smartcoins can be created at this time. Never fear BSIP-0018 is being tested on the testnet at the moment that will allow assets in this situation to be revived. You can find out more about this BSIP HERE. If you would like to learn more about global settlements @estefantt has written a good post HERE

  • This week has seen a 180% increase in orders on the DEX (as seen sampled from the top 250 accounts in BTS terms).

  • While collecting the data for this report I noticed that on the 19-09-2017 the Bitshares DEX had a 24 hour trade volume totalling 15.4 million USD.

  • This week has seen Bittrex's wallet (bittrex-deposit) increase by 25 million BTS. As a result they have overtaken PoloniEx for the single largest wallet in BTS terms.

  • STEALTH FBA has started selling on the Bitshares DEX this week ahead of the STEALTH public testnet opening up. STEALTH is the first Fee Backed Asset (FBA) on the network, you can learn more about FBA's HERE

  • OpenLedger has added deposit and withdrawal gateways for WAVES and INCENT tokens to the Bitshares DEX.

  • @richcg has developed a new iteration of the Bitshares website concept. You can view his latest update HERE

  • A LTM (Life Time Membership) only channel has been added to the Bitshares Discord. Entry to the channel can only be gained by verifying your account with @fav which can be done on Discord. There are plenty of other channels for various projects and topics so head over and join the conversation. See HERE for more details.

  • @virtualgrowth is doing a weekly market update and token give away; Check out his post and vote on your favorite asset HERE, if you leave you Bitshares username in the comment you may even be one of the lucky recipients of the token giveaway.

  • This week’s Bitshares hangout recording has been published and is available HERE

  • Current registered wallets/accounts within the Bitshares network is 416673; an increase of 6881 wallets/accounts since last week

  • The last asset registered this week is asset #1888 and it is named 'BRIDGE.LTC' registered by 'cryptobridge' with no description.

Smartcoin issuance chart showing weekly change since the start of 2017

Bitshares New ATH daily transaction count

Graphic by Telegram user 'BTS-Bourgeoisie'

Tweet from @Bitshares - could not say it better myself

Sneak peak of the completely redesigned website. Coming soon.

BitUniverse's Bitshares Wallet & Trade - Now Open source - Details HERE

Magic wallet

@Stan's interview with Giselle Koy (@gisellekoy) as part of the "My Digital Sovereignty" series

Have you claimed your FREE coins?, If not I highly recommend that you get signed up to the Billion Hero Campaign! These coins will be used in the Billion Hero Campaign and could potentially be valuable in the future (No such thing as free lunch does not apply in Crypto - Fair distribution at any cost is the name of the game); at the moment you can get notified on the project and claim your share of the FREE coins at no cost - Click HERE and selected 'Get Notified' to claim your free coins

Bitshares Distribution

This sections seeks to analyse the current distribution of the network. We look at the current supply, top 100 hodlers, Orders on the Bitshares Decentralized Exchange (DEX), Reserve pool balance and Income growth.

DistributionBalanceChange W/WChange W/W %
BTS Supply2,599,428,201 174,634.000.01%
BTS Stealth269,289-0.00%
BTS in Open Orders (DEX - T250)10642815.83 6,096,271.00184.63%
Reserve Pool1,001,144,443 -174,633.00-0.02%
RP Accumulated fees134,957 7,031.0011.52%
Collateral (top 250) backing Smartcoins407179005 -27,038,820.00-6.39%
Top 100 Total1,456,273,066 -5,945,577.00-0.39%
Top 100 - minus Exchanges413,206,774 905,735.000.23%
Exchanges1,043,066,292 -6,851,312.00-0.61%
Non Exchanges1,556,361,909 7,025,946.000.47%

Profit/Expenses from the Bitshares Reserve Pool

The chart below show historic profit/expense from the Bitshares Reserve Pool where a positive number represents a W/W profit and a negative number means a W/W expense; Bitshares expenses include witness and worker pay and income includes network fees.

BTS Trading

Looking at the most active trading pairs for Bitshares (BTS). Data displayed is a 24 hour snapshot as taken on the date of this report and not a reflection on the week as a whole.

MarketLast PricePrice USD24hr Vol BTS24hr Vol USDVol %Vol % Change W/W

Worker Proposals

This section will identify the current approved and pending worker proposals

Active Worker:

Proposed Worker

DEX: Most Active Markets

This section will show the BTS markets within the DEX and seek to highlight the most active markets.

The most active base pair is BTS and the top 3 pairs are CNY, USD and Open.BTC


This sections seeks to analyse the current supply and market capitalisation of the Bitshares Smartcoins.

AssetSupplyPriceMarket Cap BTSMarket Cap USDSupply Change W/W
BTS2,599,428,2010.079685272,599,428,201$207,136,138.04 0.007%
BTS Stealth269,2890.07968527269,289$21,458.370.000%
Reserve Pool1,001,144,4430.079685271,001,144,443$79,776,465.25 -0.017%
Accumulated fees134,9570.07968527134,957$10,754.08 5.496%
BitUSD3,097,20512.0437,290,348$3,097,205.00 -20.170%
BitCNY55,139,6871.86102,559,818$8,172,506.77 2.782%
BitEUR79,24614.431,143,520$91,121.68 -19.261%
BitBTC5046,9912,358,948$187,973.42 -10.357%
BitSilver8,820190.41318291,679,444$133,826.97 -2.906%
Ruble1,510,9710.2046309,145$24,634.28 -27.937%
HERO1,1751,9232,259,525$180,050.86 -33.428%

Referral Stats

This section will track user referrals, to gauge active refers overtime. The chart below shows in blue the total number of referred users and in orange the new referrals for this week.

AccountReferralsChange W/W

Vote Proxies

This section will track the change in proxy voting

AccountOpinionsFollowersWeight (M)Weight Change (M)
bitcrab6546249.5 -11.3
xeroc37193214.3 -3.3
baozi296465.6 4.5
fav229641.4 0.6
abit4345514.4 2
laomao35410.4 -13.7
hellobts30197.9 0.1
blckchnd234247.7 0.1

Committee Members

This section will track shareholder approval of committee members

AccountVotes (M)Votes Change (M)
bitcrab676.1 -35.1
abit649.4 -32.2
xeroc637.5 -10
bhuz618.8 -33.2
bunkerchainlabs-com608.6 -13.6
witness.still600.8 -4.6
clayop548.7 -33.4
openledgerdc444.7 -4.3
chris4210401.8 -6.3
ebit395.3 -1.6
harvey-xts282.4 -25.4

Active Witnesses

This section will track top 25 active witnesses and the changes in support

RankWitnessVotesMissedMissed W/W
1in.abit 1.6.35 733.3703
2fox 1.6.16 729.933601
3verbaltech2 1.6.34 725.91681
4 roelandp 1.6.74 697.914
5 openledger-dc 1.6.76 688.9512
6 blckchnd 1.6.75 679.1618
7 witness.yao 1.6.71 661.93541
8 elmato 1.6.20 659.84173
9 delegate.baozi 1.6.37 659.71465
10 bhuz 1.6.17 656.91563
11 xman 1.6.64 652.91625
12 witness.still 1.6.69 638.189341
13 sahkan-bitshares 1.6.73 621.58031
14 xn-delegate 1.6.59 619.927631
15 rnglab 1.6.45 598.21893
16 delegate-1.lafona 1.6.28 597.31571
17 xeldal 1.6.22 567.81878
18 delegate.btsnow 1.6.40 519.95486983
19 crazybit 1.6.84 497.6801
20 delegate.ihashfury 1.6.26 426.9869
21 mr.agsexplorer 1.6.24 4165720
22 delegate.freedom 1.6.63 410.54859
23 wackou 1.6.18 375.618033
24 cyrano 1.6.21 361.23198362
25 abc123 1.6.65 352.512703

Top 100 Distribution including Exchanges

This section looks at the top 100 rich list and compares account balances, this section will seek to identify changes in ownership which may lead to interesting investigations and early warning signs of upcoming projects

RankAccountBalance(inc orders)OrdersChange W/WChange W/W %
1bittrex-deposit260,954,245025,883,422.00 11.01%
3poloniexwallet115,418,0780-9,492,347.00 -7.60%
5jubi-bts77,509,1250-5,132,244.00 -6.21%
6bitcc-bts-cold76,192,9280-8,000,001.00 -9.50%
7chbts73,881,7250-3,214,056.00 -4.17%
9bterdeposit20,868,1050-2,493,974.00 -10.68%
16yun-bts10,286,6300-13,527,305.00 -56.80%
17tom-bitshare9,564,24303,692,559.00 62.89%
24bitcc-bts7,793,41705,793,417.00 289.67%
31bitcoinindonesia5,772,4870190,467.00 3.41%
43enki5,026,4794,404-96,201.00 -1.88%
47oh-bts4,417,0850613,399.00 16.13%
49synergy34,256,64485-85.00 0.00%
55abit3,909,7910241,837.00 6.59%
56bitcc-bts-withdrawal3,795,68601,795,686.00 89.78%
57bts19983,582,340064,533.00 1.83%
59goodc0re3,341,671050,720.00 1.54%
61chsend3,315,0470-2,463,910.00 -42.64%
62alexna643,288,683260,088-1,162,733.00 -26.12%
67wys3,139,515041,250.00 1.33%
76escrow-qqxmk2,715,5060715,506.00 35.78%
77mybak2,702,9240544.00 0.02%
82dark-angel2,505,7770268,382.00 12.00%
86koocaa2,414,5440387,336.00 19.11%
87roland.sun2,411,11802,382,527.00 8333.14%
90anonymous2,290,22493,000970,093.00 73.48%
91freedom352,235,5700-161,277.00 -6.73%
97storj2,153,9800329,995.00 18.09%
99wackou2,117,2570-2.00 0.00%

Thanks for viewing :)

I value your feedback.
Is there something more you would like me to track in these reports? or do you have some information for the next BSoTN report? please let me know in the comments, on, in the 'BitsharesDEX' Telegram group or every Friday in the the BeyondBitcoin Hangouts.

I hope you enjoyed this report! :)

New to Bitshares? Need an Account?

Please support my efforts by using the banner below to create your account.

Best part is at anytime in the future If you decide to buy an LTM (Lifetime membership - which gives you an 80% reduction in fees and other premium features) i will rebate 10% of your membership costs in BTS.

  • Just use the banner above to create your account
  • Enroll as a Life Time Member
  • Leave your username in the comments on the latest BSotN report or join us on BitsharesDEX telegram chat.

I honestly think there is more development, news, and adoption going on with Bitshares than any other chain. There are more daily tx/ops on Bitshares than BTC or ETH most days, it is ridiculously fast and seems to handle anything the market throws at it. DEX volumes are climbing steadily, and China is pushing traffic to the DEX. It really feels like a spring that get wound tighter and tighter every day, just waiting to explode...

Best reply ever
Worth it

My favourite Bitshares update :)

Cheers Tony :)

I am always encouraged by seeing these reports. There is so much going on in the background and I'm very pleased that I have continued to increase my stake in Bitshares!

Hey mate I bought my first batch of BTS today as I think they are significantly undervalued thanks for putting up this post it kind of confirms my decision to an extent. I read another article earlier in the week with someone showing how they were using their existing BTS as collateral to purchase more so I started taking notice then. I think I may purchase a few more tomorrow as well :) Thanks for the detailed post!

Great work, always look forward to these. Biggest thing that stood out in this report is how BitShares ownership is changing!! all current committee members losing a grip :O

Why can't I trade Steem on bitshares? When I go to the deposit tab and choose OpenLedger there is not option to deposit Steem to my account.

You have to go to Deposit, select Openledger (Open.X) and choose Gateway. Then you select Steem as currency you want to deposit.
Additional you can do it manually here: Just send the Steem to your bitshares account name

Thanks for the reply, but I don't have that option in Bitshares. Really wish I did!
I know I could use blocktrades, but I really just want to do a straight deposit. Since they're both such similar blockchains I figured it'd be pretty much a given. Guess not.

For some reason it doesn't appear in the list, but you should find it listed on the Account tab and adjacent to that a Deposit button. Click this and it'll give you the details to send Steem to your Bitshares account:

Note: This screen shot is taken from the reference Bitshares2-light desktop client wallet

I'm pretty sure I'm using that same wallet but this is what mine looks like. Not sure what's going on.... this is what shows up under my accounts tab though. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I've had similar issues with certain coins try openledgers web wallet, fixed similar problem for me :)

Does bitshares (bts) have a maximum supply that can ever be created?

Yes, BitShares total supply is around 2,599,290,000 + the reserve pool. So 3,600 billion BTS.
You can see the current amount of the reserve pool here:
The BTS there are used to pay the witnesses and the workers.

and that is the max that will ever be created, they will not create more in the future...? it is a finite currency?

Shared on Twitter this week again for you guys.


BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 21 Sep 2017 - 22:46 UTC

#BitShares State of the Network Update: $BTS #CryptoCurrency #Crypto #Blockchain #Decentralized… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

That's a good news for bitshares traders. I see even the steemit has increased so much compared to last year price.

It will rise soon I think...... it's a great project ;)

All the Graphene chains are doing pretty well; as they should it is great tech and the numbers speak for themselves :)

What is your comment on a price of BTS? Forme is a bit strange.

Under Valued for sure....

Great Post. When Moon? :P