John Gotts just violated the crypto "Code of the Hills"
As Jed Clampett once said, "You can't violate the code of the hills"

Very sad. John Gotts, founder of Bitcoin Latina just used clawback powers reserved for legal securities to steal coins from several people, including the coins he donated to Jared Rice for his defense.
Naturally the SEC was watching those coins, and they noticed immediately in the middle of the night.
This will not end well for John.
However, there are things the BitCoin Latina community can do to fix the problem, including "hard forking" the token prior to the point that John intervened.
We will support the community's decision to recover from this unprecedented violation of Cryptocurrency ethics.
More tomorrow, when we've had a chance to analyze this.
Very embarrassing, but fixable using the tools that BitShares makes available to its users.
The money he took isn't important. The integrity of the coin is everything.
Stan, I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with 2 projects that had more things going on behind the scenes than you and everyone are a good honest guy and have many don't deserve the way you are being treated sir
well said Shawn ! Feel sorry for all the holders of BCL who have lost coins. On a seperate note ive always wondered why it was called Bitcoin Latina if its a fork based off Ethereum
For more attention. That’s what Mr. Gotts loves isn’t it?
Probably ! I assumed it was just name dropping !
No doubt...this thing is starting to stink up the place...i'd be interested to hear what John has to say about this
I know tell you the truth, i didn't invest because I didn't know enough about it..then i saw how some of the miners were treated once they sold some of their coins, which is their right...i just got confused at all the bullhshit going on that I just backed off to see what would happen....who ever Stan has vetting these projects needs to be fired...which Im sure are his legal team or lawyers..they messed up on Arise, and now their judgment call on latina...but Stan couldn't have known this shitstorm was going to happen
Story not ended.
I don't understand. Which blockchain are you suggesting might be forked? Surely not the bitshares blockchain? And isn't that where Jared Rice's coins were?
No, not a technical blockchain fork, but the latina community could take a snapshot of their token distribution prior to John's intervention and reissue from there with a replacement that has the clawback feature disabled. We'll see what they decide to do. The key thing is to get the chain away from his control and let his edition fade into the scrapheap of history.
cheating must be eradicated.
hopefully no one else cheats on cryptocurrency.
I'm not going to make any judgment until the dust clears and John tells his side.
Did you guys see my article? It heard it got around the BTS community and helped take this scum bag down.
Just read it. Agree with hoping the project can still go on with the other team members. It's a good project. One man making one mistake should not stop it.
Stan, I had a horrible feeling about John Gotts. Every time I saw him on camera the look in his eyes spoke to my inner being, not in a good way either. He just seemed to want all of the attention, I was not a fan of how he always cut you and @bluerocktalk off. You are so kind to Connie, and he was not always. Even if he did it in a sly manner.
I hate hearing this news, but I gotta say... I saw something like this coming. Stay strong Stan, you are a wonderful soul and are going to continue to do great things. Love you brother.
You can tell a lot about someone by their eyes. At least I can. What a scumbag.
System 1 in action!
(Thinking Fast and Slow)
Supreme balance.
@johnskotts mention to me to follow you and read about bitshares. I’m new and learning. Thanks for your post
Hey Stan I was told to check you out from my friend @resteemerdeluxe we’re new to the whole blockchain and steemit. We just got our bitshare id. We’re learning reading and trying and are part of this beautiful community. It’s great to read great work. I will surely pass you on to various little groups I’m part of. Thank you and good luck ❤️
I love every single article bashing BCL and John. two gifts that keep and keep giving!