BitShares Hangout #34 - 2017-08-18 - OpenSource Agenda [WhaleShare/Beyondbit Payouts Powered by SP!]

in #bitshares8 years ago

BitShares Hangouts Speakers and Worker Proposals Earn WhaleShares for Participating!

Use them to hire attendees and listeners for promotion of your work...or just pay yourself!

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"Join weekly to speak with founding community members of the BitShares Enterprise Dex about history and current events in Cryptocurrency and earn some free BitShares Tokens!" ~officialfuzzy

Hangout Format:

This will go up at least 4 days before the BitShares Hangout. BitShares community members who post subjects to cover and bring topics of discussion are asked to do so in response to this post first. Worker Proposals are a Chief Focus in these hangouts, but other topics and projects are welcome to join. @officialfuzzy can finally pay people who have supported this powerful cryptocurrency for the past 4 years since its birth and evolution. So reply below with valuable topics, updates, info we should cover and earn upvotes from in this thread and earn a special bonus if yours are chosen!

How Much Time Per Topic?

Hangouts will be at least 45 minutes long, but depending on attendance and projects/topics to be covered may last up to 60 minutes. Given this, we will try to stay with 5-6 core topics and will fit in others where possible.

What do we Earn for Actively Participating?

Those who attend will each earn from a pool of bitshares that will be purchased with earnings from this post. They will then be given directly to you via our new guestbook that we are testing.
Fuzzy will be giving [whaleshares] to community founders who attend this weekly hangout to give their own unique perspectives and expert commentary. He will also be giving them to people who give topics and information we choose to use in our hangout!
So make sure you get a BitShares Wallet!

And let's not get SP through upvoting quality information and content worth sharing with the top minds in crypto across the graphene ecosystem!

Is any topic off Limits?

Yes. We reserve the right to learn from the newest trickster trolling steemit consistently searching for way to insert chaos into the equation and devise future strategies for negating these. Naturally if these efforts become ham-fisted attempts at shutting down free speech in honest conversations, the audience will hold us accountable.
But with that said....pretty much anything can be covered--even up to and including current events. However, I personally will only be voting up stories that touch the blockchain in some way shape or form and will be asking the community to downvote absolute Rubbish! ;)

Listen to Last Week's Lightly Edited Hangout

During the Week you can find us in Our 24/7 WhaleShares Server! (preferably the Adult Swim VOIP)

And of Course you can join Our EOStalk Discord

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Extract from this weeks Bitshares State of the Network report

  • The Bitshare UI worker proposal (raised by @billbutler) has been voted in with a slight modification. Existing issues in the Bitshares UI Github page will be given an estimated hourly value. An estimated issue is prefixed with a number in brackets like this: [2] A nasty bug. In this example, the bug is valued at two hours ($125 per hour).

  • Bitspark will be switching to the Bitshares Blockchain from Bitcoin because it is better suited for the company’s business.

  • PoloniEX has moved 30 Million BTS from their cold wallet after the Bitshares community raised issues with them putting the Bitshares network into maintenance mode due to lack of funds in their hot wallet, this has happened on a number of occasions. This transfer has also debunked the theory that they had lost access to this cold wallet.

  • The Billion HERO Campaign website has launched and you can now sign up for the newsletter and 'free coins'.

  • LSBTC - Light Speed Bitcoin and FBTC - 'Fast Bitcoin' UIA's have been registed on the Bitshares blockchain. Both UIA's have been registered by cryptonomex

i am very thankful for these posts. i am wondering though---why not put our hangouts in your state of the network report??? D:

i bet people reading would like to know they get paid just for bringing ideas here...which is something that doesnt happen elsewhere in crypto!!! :D

LSBTC - Light Speed Bitcoin and FBTC - 'Fast Bitcoin' UIA's have been registed on the Bitshares blockchain. Both UIA's have been registered by cryptonomex

FBTC's website is online where as LSBTC isn't, I wonder if one or both will be sharedropped? Massively hyped about this & have some buy orders up for FBTC already!

Worth it to let spanish speakers know that @jza does a spanish translation every week!

Project/Topic Name/News Piece: Bitshares Taker Orders Working as Expected

Relevant Steemit Tag? bitshares graphene steemit eos

Appropriate links to share?

STEEMIT Article: BEWARE Crossing the OFFER with your BID on the BitShares DEX, or you may OVERPAY and/or BUY GREATER SIZE than you EXPECT!
GitHub / bitshares-core Issue #342: Rounding issue when matching orders

How should we introduce you/your project/your news coverage?

Improving BitShares. If you buy 1 at 100 by accident, when there is 1 at 10, should you buy 1 at 10, or 10 at 10 (as it currently works)? As it now stands, you are likely to receive some odd combination of rounded size and/or price.

I also discovered that this problem affects ALL chains based on graphene 2.0 (bitshares, steem, golos, and peerplays)! For example, the problem will affect the STEEMIT internal market as well. And if EOS implements the current graphene db_market code, it will face the same problems as well. So even better, if the fix I presented solves the problem for one, it should solve the issue for all the other chains as well.

What is your bitshares account name? phoenix-rising

We succeeded in auditing Poloniex's cold storage account!

Poloniex has sent 30m BTS from their cold storage account to their hot wallet, so they've not lost access to these funds.

Poloniex had failed to move any cold storage funds into their hot wallet for 10+ months despite running out of hot wallet funds multiple times. It was rumoured that they had lost access to their cold storage funds, if this was the case then they were/are running a fractional reserve.

In response to raised concerns, Poloniex prove proof of cold storage fund ownership by moving 30m BTS from the coldstorage account to their poloniex hot wallet (

Great work, less than one day Poloniex support turnaround - not bad! ;D

Poloniex has sent a second 30m batch from their cold storage to hot wallet:

This is great, rather than waiting on tickets for weeks we can just spam their cold/hot wallets with pololostkeys containing memos requesting they top the hot wallet up! :)

It is worth noting though, that they did not return any of the pololostkeys tokens nor did they accept the proposed transactions, that said the main purpose was for them to prove ownership of the BTS & they did!

GUI Worker Proposal was Approved

Earlier this week, the Worker Proposal (WP) for the reference GUI wallet, which was led by Bill Butler ( @billbutler ), was approved. The WP had initially gained hundreds of millions of stake votes but was still short of winning approval. After receiving various suggestions from proxies among the Chinese community, the WP was modified to become more of a bounty system: Bill Butler would effectively annonce prize money for certain Github GUI issues, and anyone could work and then claim the issue after being reviewed.

According to Zhaomu ( @lzmlam ), after the WP was approved, many in the Chinese community, including abitmore and bitcrab, began to show an extremely positive attitude towards the bounty program. The bountry program has been spread widely to attract more developers in China due to the salary of 125 USD / hour. Not only is this beneficial towards completing work but also towards marketing of BitShares among the Chinese community.

I can vouch that these developers are actively working on the Bitshares-UI issues w/ a rapid response rate. I've reported a couple issues recently which were confirmed as small bugs which were patched within a few hours. I'm proud to have supported this worker proposal!

On Communications Between Different Language Segments of the BitShares community

The recent experience with the campaign for GUI worker proposal highlighted the benefits of increase communications across different segments of the BitShares community. The original GUI worker received more attention and feedback after it was translated from English to Mandarin.

  • Assistance by Zhaomu ( @lzmlam ) was essential for this improved communication. He helped to translate the worker proposal to Mandarin, and also communicated with different members of the Chinese at Mandarin-language forums.

  • Members of the Mandarin-language community (such as @abitmore, @bitcrab, and @alt) also participated in English-language forums of Telegram and/or the BitSharesTalk forums.

Lessons Learned
  • Improved communications raised the exposure of the proposal which consequently increased discussions about it among the Chinese community both large and small stakeholders

  • Translations and liasons by @lzlman were essential for getting the proposal approved. It is worth considering how to support these efforts on an ongoing basis.

  • Many of the large Chinese stakeholders were not opposed to worker proposals in principle. Rather, they wanted good models like "Bounty" to ensure high quality work. The belief was that the previous model could not provide a good way for feedback and review.

  • There is a need to figure out a clear roadmap for BitShares together among the various portions of the BitShares community

  • If only we can open a dialog, we can reach a consensus. As @ebit, who is a Chinese committee member, wrote, "BitShares is our common belief".

Ideas for future BSIPs?

BSIPs are Bitshares Improvement Proposals - view the github repo which contains the existing bsips!

Does anyone have an idea for future BSIPs?

If there has been a well received discussion on bitsharestalk/steemit regarding a possible Bitshares feature, we should attempt to condense the information into draft BSIPs from which future torch bearers will be able to skip researching threads for relevant info.

My ideas for future BSIPs:

  • Sidechains (EOS/Blocknet/...)
  • Sharedropping of UIA against external crypto holders via private key import (FBTC)
  • Merging 'followmyvote' into Bitshares - voting within UIAs on demand!
  • Bounty proposal system (as opposed to only worker proposals)

Ideas raised during the hangout

  • Fuzzy: Locking away BTS to gain higher voting power, to counter the exchanges voting with user's funds.

You've got skills to envy.

Thanks for the information, very helpful I am studying @officialfuzzy
do not forget to follow me @hattaarshavin

If you wanna check out some coins that can get you a substanital profit, look at NEO and Bytom. Just posted a video on my page

That joy to know that every day I learn more in Steemit, Good post, I will follow you and I hope you follow me too; Greetings.

This seems like a super cool community event. I wish I didn't have to work on Fridays. I am going to resteem this anyway because I can totally see Bitshares, EOS,and Steem as the anti-establishment triumverant. I notice most of what is in the top 10 right now is being slowly hijacked by the establishment. These three are the fighters in the ring against the big world corporation.

Do u think saturdays would be better for most people?

I think that the Bitshares hangout being limited to 1hr can be counter productive sometimes.. changing date could be a decent idea, perhaps worth discussing prior to the next hangout or holding a poll?

Yeah like for example doing it on a weekend, it's hard for some of us to get up super early friday morning and make it. I have attempted and slept through the alarm like 3 times now, and came in late once.

Dear Steemit Users..nice to see you have started earning here.. my sincere request is to have a look at following post and share (help/support) the least share a portion of income from the earning at will be contributing in developing children's future..

yes weekend is better for me too. would definitely join then

Saturday morning EST might be better for the formal/structured Bitshares and Whaletank hangouts where presenters are involved, then even the Europe crowd would still be early afternoon for them before people want to go out at night. Probably better than a work day :-) Then as you expand to do daily "general" Whaleshares hangouts, those could be any day since they are informal and general discussions that can be recorded.

I am kind of thankful to see so many responses that affirm what ive been thinking for some time now...

Moving to sat mornings is a good time.

Nah, people who are working on Fridays already have work ;)

Eos made me become a poor person!!!

It seems like the top 10 altcoins is a very important category to be in. I think with NEO moving up it's going to push with your coins out.

Looks like bitcoin cash had a great week $$. Would you move money from normal bitcoin to bitcon cash?

Seems like some whales are cashing out of Steemit recently? The price of steem dollars has dropped. Is this a good time to buy?

I think u have no clue what u are talking about. Steem is among the worst places to say that old unscalable tech (eth clones) are ever going yo go anywhere when eos starts "delivering on eths promises".
It hasnt been popular to be around all this time. But ill tell u same thing i say to everyome about eth and its always hacked together fluff...
It cannot scale to meet demand...much less be easily built on. Please be careful pushing this stuff because it really is dangerous to noobies who might believe u.

I'm making some hacking tutorials, feel free to propose which hacking tutorials you'd like to read : )