RE: 🗃 Битассеты и “чёрный лебедь” (Daniel Larimer)
zeanonim zeanonim commoner trapped in the wilderness capital, looking for a bite of Rice through the things ghaib (it) and the audience of the beauty of a glimmer of light (photography) then follow techno why 'blockchain "so important? January 23, 2017 11:56 updated: January 23, 2017 11:56 4762 0 0 Disclaimer: this paper only my knowledge at this time of learn some technology blockchain existing, please correct or add if there is wrong or less of exposure to me. Rev. blockchain matters? blockchain was first introduced by bitcoin as the Foundation of the main cause bitcoin be invaluable economically and technology. blockchain can be said as a kind of a new database after the emergence of technology known in general as nosql database, although in practice, the use of blockchain as DBMS (database management system) there is as easy as or as simple as using RDBMS (relational DBMS) or nosql DBMS. blockchain simply blockchain can be said as a database of a new type of where if in RDBMS data is stored in the form of columns and rows, in blokchain data stored chronologically (based on the order of the time of writing) in a bundle (block) given unique identity in which each bundle new must include bundle predecessor, so to form a series of bundle bonded (blockchain). series of this bond that make blockchain logically would be difficult changed (tamper resistant), as if one block changed the overall data to be inconsistent or invalid. outline, there are 2 types blockchain, that is utxo (unspent transaction output) and the state tree. bitcoin is one of the embrace utxo, a block can save coins virtual that have not been spent (unspent) where to calculate the balance of ownership to browse the block - block with utxo valid (although in practice the balance of the total saved in memory to accelerate the process). while ethereum is one of the embrace state tree, where the changes state (variable) stored in the tree, on the type of state tree, node can quickly took the value of the last of a variable (balance for example) without the need to browse the block - block before. characteristics of the main characteristics of blockchain distinguishes of the type of other database of them is distributed, immutable (data written can't be changed), and decentralization (no power centralized - Central authority - as a control). in computing, terms of distributed have some sense, including processing divided - for, the data are divided - for, or a combination of both. until now most of the solutions blockchain still using the characteristics of the process of distributed data Ter-replication (all nodes / machine has the same data) and some are developing support to the data distributed (shard). immutable is the nature of where a data or variable can not be changed again after its value given (assigned) in execution program, unlike the constant where the determination of value done before program executed. in the environment program execution, immutable can be achieved easily through a series of the rules of logic, while in the context of the data stored in the media storage conditions of the more difficult to achieve. one way to make a file or data immutable is to write it down to the media once write as in the CD or DVD, the other way is using the method of cryptographic produce immutability false, pseudo because physical data can still changed but the logic can be checked by using the mathematical calculations. technology blockchain using the method of cryptography to secure the transaction data from a change without permission. decentralization is characteristic of the most unique distinguish between blockchain with database technology other because of the features of distributed and immutable basically not new things in the world database (even though the form of technical different). until now, all solutions blockchain using consensus to achieve the decentralization with a variety of variations. consensus can be interpreted as a agreement between the machine machines (nodes) incorporated in one ecosystem blockchain to determine the data or transactions which is considered valid and Shah and make it as truth together (single shared truth). there are several methods consensus, diantarnya is proof of work (POW), proof of stakes (POS), voting, and voting with stakes in which currently still dominating the method is POW known as the process of mining (mine). consensus bitcoin designed to allow anyone (in the form of the machine) to join in one ecosystem transactions with the same rights (read and write a database) without the one hand governing. this condition consequences that allows anyone in the same time to write on record the same, because it was a deal with certain rules necessary to prevent the parties trying to do the bunko in the system. of the type of membership, blockchain outline is divided into 2, the public blockchain and private / trusted blockchain. public blockchain as in the bitcoin allow anyone join to be one node, while in the private or trusted blockchain, membership limited to the party - the parties included in the list of nodes reliable and or in the network special proof of work model consensus this involves an algorithm called with hashcash, algorithm same used in the mail client where the computer is required to carry out a calculation repeated - re-up to produce a certain numbers to prevent spam (spreader junk email). hashcash can analogous to where someone to throw a two dice to produce figures 5 and 4 simultaneously before allowed to do something, the more the number of dice then getting a lot of time required to produce configuration intended (even though there are elements profit - utungannya also) while to MEM-verification only takes a minute. with the same principle, node - node incorporated in the ecosystem blockchain asked to calculate hashcash of a deal with the challenges of difficulty level certain (number of dice to be thrown), node successful find the first is considered as a winner and block the resulting will be recorded by the node - other nodes as a transaction Shah. since this process takes resources (energy and machine) great it is necessary incentive mechanism (reward), where the inventor solutions hashcash mutually agreed will be given gift form of the value of money with digital scale agreed. process this is known people with the term of mining though so far this mechanism quite successful secure network bitcoin, but there are some criticism of this approach, one of which are wasting resource computing (with a matter of electrical used) for something that say no point, think of thousands of people hours - hours even spend a day - day only do throw dice and there is only a few people earn money. second is if someone master more than half the computing power then there is likely the monopoly. proof of stake of criticism of the energy wasted approach POW, comes the concept called the proof of stake (POS)if described throw dice in POW everyone together - the same race throw dice, then post everyone was given the turn of the opportunity to throw dice with a certain period of time, if the period of time given immature proposed solution, then the opportunity will be given to the next. in the post also proposed the concept of a kind of stock through the deposit money, where the shareholders greater will get a greater chance to throw dice. reason involving money here is where in POW a person's spent money to buy machine fast, so in this post money spent to obtain a greater chance. voting in the mechanism of voting, each node asked to do the calculation of the transaction in and publish the results as a form of the vote, the results of the calculation of the most widely will be considered as the truth then written into the block in each - each node. as a picture, in one class everyone was given a question to calculate an multiplication, and each - each asked to mention the answer and most answers regarded as answers most correct. mechanism voting have a weakness when sebagain large node collusion to cheat, therefore this mechanism more suitable for system with a node closed (private) or verified (trusted) as in the network banking or between the company. voting with stakes this mechanism is a variation of the mechanism of voting in order to use on ecosystem open. in this mechanism, before the voting participants (node) asked to deposit amount of money as collateral, if the participants considered to be trying to do the bunko, then the security deposit will melt and share to pesera other. in this mechanism add a consequence of the economic and social (block) on the system voting when participants skew. current conditions multi Central Web technology was originally intended to form an ecosystem computer distributed, although in general purpose of this has been achieved, but of glasses settings there is still the concept of authority centralized (Central authority)it can be said that the ecosystem the Web today is a form of a set of server centralized interconnected and communicate with the same language (http URLs HTML). ecosystem of this kind considered vulnerable to the sensor, DDoS attack, and has a level of availability (availability) low. since the emergence of technology p2p sharing (torrent)appear efforts to make the Internet as a human right - true decentralization and distributed with the birth of technologies such as Tor (the onion rings), ipfs (interplanetary the file system)and blockchain. if the Tor made to make the network as a resource terdesentral, ipfs and torrent focus on the distribution of the file or content, then blockchain focus on the transactions involving assets with economic value. multi ecosystems in the world of financial, time this still largely using the concept of a multi Central as Web mainstream. different from the ecosystem site where there is a standard raw mutually agreed, ecosystems financial I think failed to be distributed systems in the sense there is no a standard making financial institutions as - if it is in the ecosystem global as in the Web technologies. can be said in the world of financial in addition to embrace multi Central also adopted multi ecosystem, ecosystems I mean as an example is the network financial as master card, visa, ATM together, ATM prima, maestro, Swift, etc.. as a result, the transaction to be very inefficient, need Exchange messages (message) format with a particular, it is necessary process settlement, and the need to the consolidated in addition to various risk when the occurrence of the transaction deficiency and weaknesses Inter blockchain for that reason, when bitcoin released various parties mention that blockchain is the future financial transactions, even a variety of the company financial and technology has invested great for developing solutions financial based blockchain. However, with each - party develop their own technology blockchain, the possibility of the occurrence of a multi ecosystem remain unavoidable, because it was in the community of some of party had proposed the protocol Inter blockchain to link between the ecosystem blockchain different. Unfortunately until now there is no one umbrella correct - can correctly brings together the difference between the technology blockchain with the other.