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RE: Heroes in Austin

in #bitshares8 years ago (edited)

Lots of shiny, smiling happy people doing noble, wonderful things... but...

I see Bitspark, HERO, Stokens, TXSRB, UI improvements, huge DEX volume increases and BTS just refuses to be bought.

If there's any token that deserves, by any metric, to be at $5-10 billion cap right now it is Bitshares. So why are none of these speculative investors buying it up?

$1-5 BTS is a no brainer and it seems ridiculous that Bitshares isn't at least a couple of bucks right now.


We are not going after speculators. We are going after mainstream users. The speculators can catch up later.

Well, that does imply some distance between where BTS is now and where it will be when the speculators catch up... but news or upgrades don't seem to have any impact on price at all. None, nada, zilch. I just can't understand why BTS doesn't catch a bid and pop, many cryptos have mooned on way less of a working product and good news than BTS has right now.

Frankly, the Bitspark migration to Bitshares should have touched off a massive rally. Bitspark is a mature company (in crypto terms) with actual customers and working platform. They are planning to bring enormous liquidity and visibility to the Bitshares platform, injecting literally millions of liquidity into the DEX. And yet... slow bleed from $0.25 to $0.09. Why are people buying OMG, NEO, QTUM, LISK, ARK and not BTS? It just doesn't make sense at all.

I've been scratching my head on that question too. What's lacking in BTS? Is it that BTS is not focused on or based in Asia unlike OMG, NEO, and QTUM so don't get as much support from investors in that region?

BTS looks great on paper and there's all this great news about it, you have YouTubers like Chris Coney (Cryptoverse) plugging it but yet it still seems to have trouble rising and sustaining a price at more than $0.20 level.

BTS doesn't seem to be on the Korean exchanges. Maybe it needs to get onto some of the big Korean exchanges like Bithumb, Coinone and Korbit. These exchanges are allowing the Koreans to trade ETH with massive volumes. BTS is probably missing out by not being on these Korean exchanges.

Anyways look forward to the HERO (Sovereign Hero) campaign helping to move the needle upwards.

Incidentally there's another coin on ICO at the moment called Hero Coin which will probably confuse matters just a bit.

That's because of the network that the others have. Bitcoin has been around for a very long time. On the other hand, Ethereum invented smart contracts + there are those ICOs. BTS right now is an underdog like how Apple and Tesla started. They're more focused on improving the technology and the experience of users. In addition to this, people who influence the price the most are probably the same people who have been successful in Bitcoin and ETH since they were first created and they probably already have companies of their own that spread the word about Bitcoin and ETH. Just wait when projects like the Sovereign Hero and even EOS press the big button. Watch out for 2018.

I really do hope you're right :-)
Seems BTS is a long game at the moment. Other coins like OMG, QTUM and others seems to be shooting up in value. BTS having a very hard time getting and staying above 0.20.

The other problem is, everyday there's more and more coins coming to the market.

mash-inns, I like the way you see the world. It's an excellent point, to focus on the core tech, and UX. Already, there are organizations recognizing the power of this platform. I predict exciting things for 2018 as well. Rock on.

speculators and the chinese are making it hard to get over the critical line,
people are very cautious with investing in bts at this point

I agree something is off and I wouldnt be surprised it is simply because most people have no clue what it is and the name BitShares doesn't give away it is part of something bigger.
Also one wouldn't directly couple Hero with Bitshares. It will take a while to be visible this is hopefully where the campaign will make a difference.

I would however not throw any money in advertisement if the website is like it is now, whatever they are building on has t be simple, inviting and really anyones grandmother should be able to understand what is on offer.
Best way is to bring simple "how to" video's that explain in different detail how and what benefits Bitshares brings to the table.

That's an excellent point. I suppose the game-ification of the how to video series would be an excellent way to get new users involved. Much of the focus of the company has to be on lowering the knowledge barrier to entry.