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RE: Bitshares - State of the Network - 20th June 2017
Todas las ALTCOIN, incluyendo BTS, nos hara millonarios, el bum de las criptomonedas apenas comienza. Un Futuro prometedor.
Todas las ALTCOIN, incluyendo BTS, nos hara millonarios, el bum de las criptomonedas apenas comienza. Un Futuro prometedor.
Better than gold! :)

On the Bitshares network we also have a 'smartcoin' pegged to the price of Gold called! the asset is called BitGold. The value of 1 BitGold is pegged to the value of 1 Gram of Gold in USD and the value of the token is backed by the collateral used to issue it.
Each smartcoin (USD,CNY,EUR,GOLD,SILVER) is issued with at least 200% collateral in Bitshares (BTS is locked by a smart-contract). So you know at any time you can settle your smartcoin for 100% of its face value and the best part is there is no counter party risk, no KYC/AML, no ability to have the underlying asset to be confiscated from you, it is also transferable, deviable and fungible.
Want to know more?
The lines go up, so we're all happy. :)
just praying some day ... i will have dis