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RE: All My Free Speech is Fiction!

in #bitshares7 years ago

Brilliant dodge, Stan!

By which I of course, did not mean any reference to Dodge City, or to the game of dodge ball, or that you were actually attempting to "dodge" anything at all.

It's perfectly and unequivocally clear to me that your lifelong love of Science Fiction has finally driven you to pour out your soul in creative fictional authorship.

"...the evil governments of an otherwise wonderful blue planet in a galaxy not that far away..."

I recall vividly how, while growing up, I was taught about those "evil communist countries" far across the sea who trampled on the rights of their citizens... How in our country, we were all about freedom...

And, oh, the disillusionment that set in during a lifetime of gradual discovery that in a country "not that far away" things are the same, and in many cases, far, far worse...

I look forward to your Sci-Fi, as I've always deeply loved the genre... :D



Disclaimer: I may have accidentally made false statements somewhere within the body of this comment. Don't believe any of them.