Raffle: Enter for a chance to win 100 OBITS + 100 OBITS to Charity
OBITS is the revenue sharing token of OpenLedger, with monthly buyback & burn and dividend payouts.
Winner can pick the charity (must accept any form of crypto).
Enter for a Chance to win 100 OBITS (~$60)
Disclaimer: Giveaway is sponsored by OpenLedger. You need a BitShares Wallet to receive the price.
@ash my charity is for torproject.org thanks!
the minimum amount is 0.01 for torproject, so I matched the donation amount. It's sent, but bitcoin is slow as usual. will post a confirmation once through
Thanks for the great giveaway! My charity is Save the Children
My charity is Salvation Army (if possible).
my charity is a steemit one @dreamsoftheocean run by @surfermarley
Charity: TorProject.org
Charity: Save the Children
Great comp!
oh that's nice. donation would go through gaming4good too!
Charity: Electronic Frontier Foundation. Good luck everyone!
Wikileaks! :)
The Grantcoin Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity, and manages Grantcoin (soon to be Manna), a cryptocurrency supporting a universal basic income for all. All contributions to the Grantcoin Foundation are tax-deductible for supporters in the United States.
Charity: Wikileaks