Bitconnect rocks!!!

in #bitconnect8 years ago

You can invest BitConnect coin in Bitconnect lending platform exclusively from the BitConnect Dashboard. This investment option involves profiting from Bitconnect trading bot and volatility software. You will receive daily profit based on your investment option. Upon investment term completion, you will receive yourCAPITAL BACK to take out from the Bitconnect lending platform or optionally reinvest back in lending platform to continue receiving daily profit.


While it may not be a scam in your opinion, it could be considered spam. Spam is not appreciated by the community and could be flagged or may result in action from the cheetah bot..

Some things that can be considered spam:

  • Banner ads
  • Referral links/codes
  • Repeating the same post
  • Links to known scams, phishing sites, and other dangerous links

Bitconnect is a good one but check out WiredCoins. Their offer is crazy good at the moment. I have some videos on my Steemit blog about them. I would shill my referral link, but it's something you should look into first. If it does seem cool, you can find my referral in my video descriptions.

Anyway, good luck and have fun earning those daily payments. :)

Authorship is currently in the token sale stage, and is offering $10 USD worth of their ether tokens for free if you signup with them. They are “Making the Internet More Free and Accessible For Authors and Readers”, basically a decentralization form of the Internet for content creation / sharing. The tokens will be sent out at the end of the bounty period (less than one month) and can be kept, or converted to another cryptocurrency or just cashed out.
Everyone looking to invest in this ICO you can do it now with no worries. and don't miss your chance to get ATS tokens for a price you'll probably never see in the future.