Bitconnect - Pro & Con

in #bitconnect7 years ago

Pro & Contra: Bitconnect


Everyone is able to earn money by working. But its always a bad deal. Because you exchange your lifetime against a salary. If you decide spontaneously not to work for a couple of weeks, than you won't earn income and you can't afford to pay for the costs of living.

That is why it is a good idea to build a passive income, which is not depending on your time to generate a stable income. There a lots of possibilities to do so. Since the end of 2016 there is a new way. I am talking a

In this article I want to explain Bitconnect's business model, how it works and how you can profit from it. I want to demonstrate the most valuable arguments pro and against Bitconnect. I also want to give my own opinion on this topic.
I do not want to convince you to lend Bitconnect all your live savings, i do just want to provide good information. So that everyone who is currently thinking of investing, has a all the arguments combined in one article and can decide easier.
But of course, you should take your time, do your own research and decide on your own responsibility.

My journey und my goals on Bitconnect

I am in the cryptospace since July 2017. I heard about Bitcoin in 2013, but unfortunately I wasn't interested at all. But now I gathered tons of information about crypto and blockchain. In my opinion this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to secure wealth in the future. My first goal is to buy and hold at least one Bitcoin. Then I do want to use Bitconnect to earn a Bitcoin for my fiancée and my future children aswell.

I first got to know about Bitconnect in August 2017. At that time I invested 160 $. Bitconnect has worked perfectly well, except a little glitch on the website, which thex fixed within 2 days. They pay every day and Bitconnect works flawless. At the moment I do have an active Investment of around 4000 $ and received 500 $ back on daily interests. My first capital release between 5/24/2018 and 6/18/2018.

At the moment I do have 2 Referrals. One has invested 1010 $, the other didn't invest at all. My goal on Bitconnect is to keep reinvesting until I have monthly interests of around 10k $.

What is Bitconnect?


Bitconnect is enterprise and cryptocurrency at the same time. They launched the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in November 2016. BitConnect Coin has increased its value from 17 Cent in January, to above 200 $ in Octobre 2017. The market capitalization is around 1,4 billion $. The developers of Bitconnect do own the majority of the BitConnect Coins themself. By just holding and staking the Coins, they allready generated huge profits.

Via the Lending Program with the Trading Bot, the exchange and with Referrals and new customers, Bitconnect continues to make cash and is planning on extend its service. You can find small adjustments on the website now and then. A few days ago they announced a Bitconnect debit card.

I think we can assume that Bitconnect as enterprise wants to stay in place as long as its possible to earn money and to grow constantly. Critics fear they might run away with all the stolen Bitcoins one day.

Bitconnect has various ways to earn money. They made lots of money simply by holding and staking BitConnect Coin. They made money by holding the Bitcoin the users gave them in exchange for BitConnect Coin. The made money with the help of the Trading Bot. They take a fee of 0,25% on the exchange (trading volume > 15 mio $/day).

I want to give 2 examples on how Bitconnect earns profit and pays its customers.:

  1. Let's imagine 9 Bitconnect investors, who use the Lending Program. 8 invest 100$ each. 1 invests 200$. All together thats 1000$. We assume that the Trading Bot generates 1% daily, so that is 10 $. Bitconnect keeps 20% or 2 $ for itself. The rest is for the investors. 1,60 $ is for the person who invested 200 $ and 0,80 $ to each of the other investors.
    But Bitconnect can trade with own capital aswell. They can invest 1000 $, earning them another 10 $ on this trading day. So they got 12 $. That is how they can afford to pay the lucrative Referral-Program.

  2. Now we imagine a user who invested 5010 $ on 4/01/2017. Bitcoin was worth 1070 $ at that time. So the user was able to buy 4,7 Bitcoin. He exchanged them for 1252 Bitconnect Coin (4 $ each) and made a loan on Bitconnect. His Capital Release is 179 days later on 09/27/2017. He was earning 9900 $. Together with Capital Release he now has around 15k in his Lending Wallet. Now he wants to cash out. BitConnect Coin is worth 124 $ by now. So he can buy 121 BitConnect Coins and exchange them to Bitcoin. But Bitcoin on that day is worth, so he can buy only 3,6 Bitcoin, worth 15k $. That means that he lost 1,1 Bitcoin in pure coin value.

But Bitconnect made a perfect deal. Because they sold 1252 BitConnect Coins to the User and after Capital Release he was able to rebuy only 121 Coins. Bitconnect can keep the difference for itself (1131 BCC). The 1131 BitConnect Coins are worth around 180000 $.

Our user lost 1,1, didn't he? He could have just hodled Bitcoin instead of using the Bitconnect Lending Program... damn! But there is one more thing, that we have to take into consideration:

What if our user had reinvested daily? In this case the active investment of the user would have grown up to 32000 $. After cashing out his intital investment of 5010 $, there would still be 27k $ active investment left, earning him 9000 $ monthly interest. That seems to be a Win-Win-Situation to me.

What can we achieve using Bitconnect?

We as Bitconnects customers can buy BitConnect Coin on the website and lend them to the Trading Bot. In the Lending Program we get receive an interest rate, that changes daily, depending on how much profit the Trading Bot makes. Customers receive the profits in their Lending Wallet in $. They can choose to either reinvest, or transfer into BitConnect Coin.
Their active Investment can not be withdrawn until the day of Capital Release (120-299 days). If the user reinvests daily, his active Investment will constantly grow and he can take advantage from the compound interest effect, which means that his active Investment will go parabolic (grow exponentially). The risk is not to know, if Bitconnect is a sustainable program or if they will run away soon.

Bitconnect's Website

You can visit Bitconnect's Website by using the URL They Website has a semiprofessional appearance, but runs smoothly and stable. A few months ago, there have been reports about spelling mistakes and bad english grammar. But these issues have been fixed long ago.

On the Website you can gather some information about Bitconnect. They say: "Bitconnect is an open source all in one bitcoin and crypto community platform designed to provide multiple investment opportunities with cryptocurrency education where it is entirely possible to find the independence we all desire, in a community of like-minded, freedom loving individuals who, like you, are seeking the possibiliy of income stability in a very unstable world"

A passive income is a form of independence. In this case the independence from custom work. If Bitconnect is able to offer this, than we should be listening! If the passive income is payed in a stable and prospering crpytocurrency, than we should be listening with attention.

Bitconnect wants us to invest our wealth into the community driven decentralized cryptocurrency. And to use the platform for trading, buying and selling things. directly to each other, without a third party involved.

Bitconnect Coin - BCC


Bitconnect has its own decentralized cryptocurrency, that is of course based on the blockchain. The cap is 28 million Coins. By now there is a supply of around 8 million BitConnect Coins. The rest of the Coins is going to come into existence by staking and mining in the next couple of years.

Bitconnect is currently listed in the top 10 of cryptocurrencies on with a market capitalization of 1,4 billion $. A BitConnect Coin is worth 200 $. By far the most BitConnect Coins are owned by the company itself. They are distributed to the community by mining, staking and investing into Bitconnect.

BitConnect Coin can be traded on 8 different exchanges. The biggest trading volume (95%) has the exchange from Bitconnect, with a trading volume of more than 15 million $ every day.

Trading Bot

Bitconnect claims to have a Trading Bot, based on a secret algorithm, that generates on average 0,90% profit every day, from buying and selling Bitcoin. But according to rumours, they don't have a Trading Bot. And in fact, this might be true, because they have never shown any evidence about it. If it is true and they don't have a Trading Bot, this would lead to a serious loss of confidence. But is the Trading Bot a condition for Bitconnect's success?

Since Bitconnect owns one of the biggest Bitcoin-Wallets of the world, they might be able to influence to market the way they need it. An interest rate of 1% daily might not be possible in any other market, but is it possible in the unknown territory of cryptocurrency?

We can neither prove nor deny thesis and antithesis, unless Bitconnect offers more information about it.

Investment opportunities

Whoever is part of the Bitconnect community has different options to invest into Bitconnect.

Bitconnect Mining


Bitconnect is the process by which new BitConnect Coin are generated. Bitconnect Coins can be mined with GPU/CPU and does not need an ASIC miner like Bitcoin does. If you think about mining Bitconnect Coin, you find more useful information, using this link:

Bitconnect Staking

The moment you acquire BitConnect Coin it becomes an interest bearing asset with up to 120% return per year thorugh Proof-of-Stake minting. All you have to do to earn with this method is to hold Coins in your Bitconnect-QT-Wallet. This means that anyone holding BitConnect Coin in their wallet will receive interest on their balance in return for helping maintain security of the network. You find more useful information, following this link:

Bitconnect Trading

Here you have the opportunity to buy BitConnect Coin low and sell them high. But this depends only on the user himself and his ability to do profitable trades. So if you aren't an experienced trader, you shouldn't rely on this.

Lending, Capital Release and Bonus interest

In my opinion, this is by far the best investment opportunity. A customer can choose to lend Bitcoin to Bitconnect's Trading Bot by using the Lending Program. Bitconnect will use the Bitcoin they received, they specute with it and hopefully, make a lot of profits.

You can make a loan on the dashboard. You will then profit daily until Capital Release Day. To use the Lending Program, you have to buy BitConnect Coin first.

After you lended at least 100 $ to Bitconnect, you will receive daily (every 24 hours) interest on your active investment. The interest will be accrued separatly. If you have an initial investment of 1010 $ and you reinvest once 10$, that means that the next day, you will get 1% for the first loan and 1% on the reinvestment. If you lend 10 x 100 $, this doesn't mean, that you will receive the +0.10% bonus interest. You get only bonus interest if you invest more than 1010 at once.

Some may tell you, that the 1% daily interst in garanteed, but that is not true. In fact, they garantee only bonus interest, if you invest more than 1010 $. The daily interest rate is based on the Trading Bot's success and that is shown by the Bitconnect Volatility Software. There are days with 1% interest, but there are also days with 0,0% interest. Those who know Bitconnect are used to both.

You can choose to reinvest.If you do so, you can reinvest in steps of 10 $ from your Lending Wallet. The Lending Wallet is where your daily gains arrive. Every reinvestment adds to the active investment and will generate profits in the future. If your active investment once is up to 1010 $, this doesn't mean, that you will receive 0,10% bonus interest. That will only happen, if you invest 1010 $ at once.

According to how much money you lended, you will receive your capital back after a certain period of time (Capital Release). Here you can see the different time periods:


As you can see, the more you invest, the earlier you will receive your Capital back and the more you get from bonus interest. More money makes more money, and less money makes less money.

Active investment and compound interest effect

Compound interest is the addition of interest to the principal sum of a loan or deposit, or in other words, interest on interest. It is the result of reinvesting interest, rather than paying out, so that interest in the next period is then earned on the principal sum plus previously-accumulated interest (Wikipedia).

Using the Bitconnect Lending Program, you can reinvest daily, if you have more than 10 $ in your Lending Wallet. Consequently your active investment will grow faster and faster. And of course your interests will grow faster and faster aswell.
Since humans can not imagine exponential growth, you can use a spreadsheet. You make an Excel spreadsheet where you multiply the average interest with your active investment and add the result to your active investment. Then you will be able to see, how your active investment grows faster each day.

Here is a link to a spreadsheet that I made myself. Of course you can use it for free:

###Bitconnect's Referral Program

Bitconnect, of course, wants to attract more users. And they want us, the users, to promote it's service. For that, they have a very lucrative referral-program installed. Every user who brings new customers in, will get a bonus payment of 7% of every loan, the refferal does. The commision will appear instantly in the users Lending Wallet. This will happen with reinvestments aswell. If the Level 1 referral acquires a referral himself, you will get a bonus of 3% of the invested money.

Bitconnect has changed to conditions of the referral system in july 2017. They removed to bottom levels of referral-tree. Now there are 7 Levels left. In the future they might cut the referral-tree even further, until there is only one level left. But still the referral program remains very lucrative, as demonstrated by some Youtubers, who have thousands of referrals, earning them millions.

Pro: arguments in favor of Bitconect

Business model

Bitconnects business model is nothing special. Every bank takes money and makes profit by speculating with it. But Bitconnect is the first to do it with a digital currency. And Bitconnect is successfull doing it, because so far, they are paying daily and on time. Bitconnect wants to make us financially independent and wants the BitConnect Coin to be a currency, that everybody uses.
But Bitconnect is the first company in the world, to offer this service combined with a cryptocurrency and of course, this attracts attention and envy. The community all over the world does take advantage of the investment opportunities and so far, everyones making profit. Including Bitconnect.

Bitconnect's goal is to take the service to a whole other level in the future. They are planning on introducing a debit card and there is an aggressive marketing campaign going on.


Bitconnect has a growing community all over the world. More and more people begin to realize, that they can achieve financial independence by using Bitconnect. The members promote the program and more and more people are using it. I really like the community of Bitconnect because every time, someone asks for help, a dozen of other community members answer every question. Of course the hope to gather referrals. But in my opinion this is a win-win-situation.

Interest rates

Bitconnect's interest rates are superior to every other asset in the world. On average there was a daily interest rate of 0,90% in the last 6 months. Since we have the opportunity to take advantage of the compound interest effect, the active investment can grow exponentially. That is why Bitconnect is so attractive to investors.
The interest rates might get lower in the future, if the volatility of the market decreases, but they will still be a lot higher, compared to banks, real estates or stocks.


It is crucial in the future for Bitconnect to adapt it's service to the conditions of the market. They might adjust the daily interest rate. They must increase their level of trust and confidence in their services. They must protect their customers from hacks and so on. There are rumours that Bitconect wants to include Altcoins in their lending program in the future.
In the past, Bitconnect faced some issues with a glitch on the website, but they fixed it within 2 days. I think this is very uncouraging, to see that they do have a team of developers working in the background.
Another thing is how governments and regulations could affect Bitconnect in the next years. Will they attact Bitconnect once it's getting too big? For sure it's going to be very exciting.

Constant payments

One of the best arguments pro BItconnect is, that they have not missed a single payment in the history of the company. Everything works flawless. There have been some issues, but the team fixed it and everything works perfectly since that day.
There have been some exit scenarios for Bitconnect. But they didn't run away with the money. It is totally possible, that they do want to establish a sustainable system, earning us a passive income in the future.


Bitconnect does have a roadmap and they do clearly show us, what to expect in the future. There is an upcoming event in Thailand this month. It is the 2nd annual ceremony, held on the 10/19/2017 in the Grand Convention Center Cebu. Some of Bitconnect's top promoters invite the community to meet and discuss goals and future innovations.
In November Bitconnect will be sponsor and exhibitor on the North America Blockchain Expo 2017. What they are going to announce or show us is not clear by now.
But it is a good sign that they do appear on these conferences and promote their service to the public.

Bitconnect's good decisions

Bitconnect proved itself quite often. Because they kept all of their promises until now. They are paying every time, on time. They keep their service up-to-date and you can constantly improve the users experience. When there was they glitch on the website in August, where users could cash-out more Bitcoin and BitConnect Coin, than they really had, Bitconnect closed the website for 2 days and checked every single account manually. They were told to balance the account, otherwise it would be banned permanently. After 2 days, the website went live again, and the payments continued, as if nothing happened. That proves, that there is a Team of developers working on Bitconnect, and that they do care for their customers and want to keep the system running.

At the time of the Bitcoin Cash Fork in August, they installed Bitcoin Cash adresses for every Bitconnect Member, so that they could claim their BCH. They didn't even announce that. They just did it! For the future this indicates, that users who have Bitcoin in their wallets on Bitconnect, might be able to claim Bitcoin Gold and the Segwit2X Coin aswell.

Contra: Arguments against Bitconnect

Business model and legitimacy

Only a few months ago, we got to know, that Bitconnect LTD., a company registered in London, wasn't approved by the authorities, because they couldn not or did not want to prove, that they have a legitimate business model. Or they just forgot about all the paperwork. So they simply dropped the registered company and registered 2 more companies: Bitconnect International PLC and Bitconnect Public Limited.

And now it is getting a little shady... Instead of registering the companies by the real owners of Bitconnect, they are registered under some of Bitconnect's top promoters. Obviously their job is to be to whipping boy, if Bitconnects is going to face government regulations or restrictions.

I ask myself..: Why does Bitconnect have to register the company in London? In my understanding, Bitconnect as international company and cryptocurrency, doesn't belong to a state. So why should they be interested in registering their company in London, or anywhere else? Why should they pay taxes, when their business model has nothing to do with legal tender and is not related to a country.

Maybe they just tried to demonstrate some kind of legitimacy, to ensure the users of their trustworthiness. Fail!

Capital Release

Whoever uses the Bitconnect Lending Program, has to understand, that his money will be locked away for a certain period of time. The more money you invest, the earlier you will receive your capital back. The fact, that users can not withdraw their money for 120-299 days, stabilizes the system, because there are always more people buying in into Bitconnect, than withdrawing.. by now. If Bitconnect decides to run away with our money, then there is nothing we can do against it. Yes we do receive interest on our investment, but unless we withdraw it every day, we haven't earned a single dollar. That is why everyone has to know about the risks and has to make his own decisions.
But there are plenty of videos from people who received their capital back. Check out on Youtube!

Highly centralized company and unknown owners

Although Bitconnect is based on the Blockchain and the BitConnect Coin is decentralized, the company itself is not. Plus we do not know the developers and owners of Bitconnect. They say, that they want to keep safe from governments and regulations, but they don't build trust by staying anonymous. Bitconnect's developers have to complete control, over everything that happens on BItconnect. After depositing Bitcoin into Bitconnect, and after lending them to the Trading Bot, you are completely dependent on Bitconnect. If they keep their promises, than we are looking towards a golden future, but if they are indeed they owners of the largest Ponzi-scheme in the world, they will close their doors abruptly and run away with our stolen money.

To good to be true

There is a proverb: If it is to good to be true, than it probably is not true. Bitconnect claims to be a sustainable ecosystem, but we don't know yet. Indeed, at the moment it is looking pretty promising, but what happens if the majority of users decides to pull money out of the system? What happens if the active investment of some users keeps growing exponentially and the generate interest payments of hundreds of millions per month? Because that is totally possible if they keep reinvesting their money. Every single one of us can do that and how long will this be sustainable?

Bitconnect Coin has no intrinsic value

BitConnect Coin, just like Fiat and Bitcoin, has no intrinsic value. Currencies get their value, through the trust of the people who use it. The more areas of application are installed for Bitconnect Coin, the more trust and the more value it will get. But for now, you can only use BitConnect Coin on Bitconnect's website. I have never heard of anybody who payed a coffee with BitConnect Coins and never has a salary been payed to a Bitconnect Wallet.

Bitconnect's members are forced to change their Bitcoin against BitConnect Coin, to use the lending program. This is it what makes Bitconnect Coin valuable. So the BitConnect Coin will increase its value because of the rule of supply and demand. There are more people buying in, than selling BitConnect Coin. And by using BitConnect's programs, you hold their Coins. Because of that the value will increase even more. Unless many people start selling all of their BitConnect Coins because they want to cash out, the value will stay on a stable level. Bitconnect makes huge profits, because they do hold most of the Coins. If they decide to run away, they could sell all of their Coins to a good price and be gone.

By now BitConnet Coin can only be used on Bitconnect's website. There are no other use cases. But this could change in the future. Bitconnect announced a debit card and we have to keep in mind, that Bitconnect's ICO is only 11 months ago and they could implement far more services to their website. There are tons of ICO with less support, less service, less use cases, but not all of them are attacked like Bitconnect.

No White Paper

Bitconnect has no White Paper. This is a problem, because members and new investors, just like critics, can not make an educated opinion on Bitconnect. They don't clearly say, what they are about to do with Bitconnect. What their goals are and what they are planning in the future. For some of you, this might be an exclusion criterion.

Risk of losing everything

Just like in any other cryptocurrency, you have to be aware that you might lose everything you invested in Bitconnect, if the ecosystem collapses some day. If they run away, before you get your return of investment and you cashed out, then the money is lost.

You can minimize the risk in two ways.

  1. Do not invest at all.
  2. Invest as much as you dare, because more money makes more money, and does it faster, than less money.



Meanwhile Bitconnec's website has improved and you do not find any spelling mistakes. It is running smoothly and stable. But you can still find rather vague phrasing, where you can interprete what they are trying to say.

Bot and Lending Program

There is a lot of speculation around the Trading Bot going on. Bitconnect claims to have a Trading Bot, based on a secret algorithm, who generates on average 1% interest daily. More than 300% in one year is suspicious. A really good trader is able to make up to 30% in a year. But since we are in the new and unregulated cryptospace, it might be possible.
I have read, that JP Morgan did not take a single loss in every trading day for the whole year 2016. So is it unthinkable that Bitconnect's Trading Bot could do the same or be even better with Bitcoin?

If the Trading Bot was open-source, than Bitconnect would have a lot of competitors by now and they would have to fear to lose the dominance in this niche. Can we really expect from Bitconnect to give up this huge advantage?

Of course it would be totally different if someone could prove, that there is no Trading Bot and that Bitconnect was lying to us. They would lose all of their credibility and we would enter a very uncertain future. Bitconnect could indeed give us at least some clues to the Trading Bot working. For example small data packages, where you can see Bitcoin adresses and transfers the Bot made, to prove the trades. Or a small part of the source code. That would build a lot of trust.

But is the Trading Bot really necessary? Bitconnect has one of the largest Bitcoin Wallets in the world. And they are able to have an influence on the market via Pump & Dump. They could generate huge profits just be holding Bitcoin and trading the old way.


My biggest concern is Bitconnect's sustainability. Because it is clear, that Bitconnect has to change, unless they want to perish one day. Exponential growth is possible in mathematics, but it is not possible in a system, where there is a Coin cap of 28 million. Some users do allready have more than 300k of active investment. In 5 years from now, the would be so unbelievably rich and the ecosystem would not be able to pay the interest rates of only one user.

On the other hand, the Fiat-financial system is based on compound interest aswell. They have to adjust the interest rates constantly because the system would break down otherwise. And I would be happy if Bitconnect would be last only 1/10 of the time that the $ lasts. Especially since it is not the elite profiting from this system, but us, the normal citizens all over the world.
The solution to the sustainability problem could be, that Bitconnect adjusts interests and implements a maximum amount of active investment. Bitconnect can do this and they are totally in control of everything. I think that they do want to keep the system running as long as it is possible, so they will make adjustments in their own interest. They did restrict the referral-system lately, for example.

If you have a look at Bitconnect's Staking roadmap you can see that Staking will continue until late 2019, so it seems clear, that Bitconnect will at least be there for another 2 years. Until then many things can change in Bitconnect's business model.

Bitconnect's Future

Bitconnect as a company, just like all of the customers, wants to stay online for as long as possible. They do want to earn money and they do want to grow. That is why sustainability is such a big topic on Bitconnect. Can they afford to pay high interests for several years? Are they able to succeed in times of lower volatility of the Bitcoin? If the volatiliy stays high and Bitcoins continues to skyrocket in the next couple of months or years, than Bitconnect will most likely continue to grow aswell. And it will continue to be as profitable as it is by now. They do generate huge gains, since they have many options to profit on their own. And there is a huge probability, that they will continue to do so, for as long as it's possible.


Many people think that a lucrative Referral-program equals Ponzi- or Pyramidscheme. But that is not true. In fact, the Referral-program is part of an aggressiv marketing campaign and can be turned of in an instant, if Bitconnect decides that it has become too expensive or is a danger to the sustainability of the ecosystem.

And for sure it won't be there for ever. The more people get into Bitconnect, the more expensiv it gets. And the more people are into Bitconnect, the less people are left to join the program.

Bitconnect earns a lot of money from new customers and they could easily pay for the Levels 1 bonus, if all the rest is going to be suspended, some day.

My opinion

I think, that we can describe Bitconnect as the first "Bank" in cryptocurrency. Because they take Bitcoin from their customers, they speculate with it and give us a part of the gains back. As daily interest. And Bitconnect takes advantage everywhere. They profit from the growing value of the Coin, they get tons of new members and they have the largest exchange for BitConnect Coin. I am invested in Bitconnect, because I think, that will continue their service for at least 2 years and hopefully for the next decade or even more.

For everyone who is allready invested in Bitconnect by now, the chances of getting a nice passive income and earning enough Bitcoin to live a decent life in the future, are very good. For everyone who will do their first loan the chances are still very good, the make a lot of money in 2018.

Of course everyone should do his own research and decide whether or not he is willing to take a risk. But there is a huge consense in the community, about Bitconnect being a paradigm shift in banking and earning money passively, where everyone can participate.

If you decided to join Bitconnect right now.. Please use my Referral-Link as award for the work, that i have put into writing this article. If there are still any questions left, feel free to ask them in the comment section.


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Note: Many including me believe bitconnect is a sam. Be very careful. I wrote up a 6 part series on why I believe it is a scam.

@cryptick yeah I read it all.. and you have some very interesting points in your artciles.. especially the fake volume bothers me.. I am curiously waiting for part 6!

Here is part 6.

and a post after part 6 (not really part 7 but contains some interesting discussion and comments...)