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RE: BitConnect Closes Exchange After State Crackdown Over Unregulated Sales

in #bitconnect7 years ago

I hate to say it, but there's still 0 evidence that this was a ponzie scheme...

It just seems like such a successful business model that the State went after them and forced them to shut down by any bogus means they could sum up.

DDOS attacks? By who?

I still think these guys who created Bitconnect were great, but maybe just unable to take on the Rothschilds... I don't blame them, many have tried and failed too.

Don't be surprised the State closed this down.

The State closes down any competitors it has.

Bitconnect was a direct competitor to the Wall Street Goldman Sachs Loyd Blankfein Trading Bot Market Rigging Casino Gulag model of International Finance.

No wonder they closed it down.