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RE: Major BitConnect Shock – Is this your last chance to get out?

in #bitconnect7 years ago

It's creative accounting smoke and mirrors. A clever piece of writing that, sounding like he's a skeptic but after figuring it all out he's a convert! With a referral code no less....

Here's an example of the logic :-

  1. They proof of stake so make a lot of BCC coins to cover payouts
  2. If the BCC price goes up they have to pay you even less coins because they're worth more

But...what if the BCC price goes down? They have to pay you more coins to make the promised ROI right? What if it goes down so much the mined coins won't cover it? Yeh....he doesn't cover that does he?

At the end of the day, any product needs a value proposition to create wealth. All the fancy accounting tricks like mining coins (which inflate the money supply and dilute holders) don't add wealth to the system. The wealth has to come from somewhere and it's either got to be the trading bot, experienced traders (who can generate 1% profit a day - not easy without taking risks)....or it comes from the wealth of new investors buying in, which makes it a ponzi.

Sorry, the more I look into it the more convinced I am it's the latter. Good luck to you if you're still invested.


I completely agree with most of your points but having reread this I feel that it could be onto something. It may not be a traditional ponzi but something more complex, using the POS to control supply and demand and hence prices. Iam not saying this makes it a good thing or even legit, just that it may be different.

I still think it will unravel but I have no idea when. Time will tell I suppose.