The Price of Crypto Lending.

in #bitconnect7 years ago

What if I told you I could take your money and slowly grow it into more money? What if I had a website? What if I had convinced other people to do it and they talk you into it for me?

It seems so obvious now, but it wasn't always. Seeing a 400 + day track record of growth. Seeing Trevon's accounts and hearing his story. I fell for it.

I don't blame Trevon. He bought more after the lending closed. I actually feel bad for him due to the racial, abusive language he's been bombarded with.

I don't really blame the Euro gang that is Davor or the Asian gang that is Bitconnect... or any of the other scammers that created EVERY SINGLE lending platform. Immoral people will always try to get your money by any means.

I blame myself. I'm not generally a stupid person and I'm glad my lending "investments" were only a fraction of my portfolio, but still, it stings.

I blame myself for encouraging others to believe that these are solid. That is worse than just losing on your own. I can only imagine how Trevon and Aaron St. Hilaire feel about having convinced so many people to join these scams. They have to know the money they got out of it was earned immorally. Trevon has found Steem and but lost steam. Aaron has just vanished.

If you are considering giving your money away to some random website run by some anonymous strangers after being encouraged to do so by an internet personality that is also a stranger, I hope some how you find this post.

In the words of Bob Newhart, "STOP IT! DON'T DO THAT!"

They are all scams. End of story.


Nice post! I will follow you from now on. +UP

Thanks. :)