BitConnect Lending ~ Step-by-step guide to earning 40% a month!

in #bitconnect8 years ago (edited)

I’m going to go straight to the point to show you step-by-step how to lend to BitConnect and earn up to 40% of your investment in one month.

Note however that you don’t have to wait for 30 days before withdrawing. Your earnings are paid and made available for withdrawal daily. How much you get paid daily however depends on BitCoin Valatility.

If you haven’t signed up to BitConnect yet, click here and join the revolution for free

BitConnect is a Cryptocurrency listed on Coinmarketcap with unit price being over $115. The Lending investment opportunity is some excellent method to help you earn Bitcoins daily. As Bitcoin value is constantly growing, it looks absurd not to try out what BitConnect is offering.

Step 1: Sign up to BitConnect It’s absolutely free

You will have to determine how much to invest. The minimum required is $100. The more you invest, the more you earn.
Looking at the table above, $1010 seems to be an excellent startup point. Also take note of the Capital Back days.

NB: Once you sign up, look at the security area of your account to make sure your security rating moves up to at least Medium. A quick tip is to enable Google Authentication.

Step 2: Grab your Bitcoin address

You will need to send Bitcoin worth your investment to your BitConnect account. You have a unique Bitcoin address within your BitConnect dashboard.

Locate the BITCOIN WALLET tab and click the green button to show your unique Bitcoin address. Send your Bitcoin to the address and wait for its confirmation on blockchain.
Once completely received, you will now have to buy BitConnect. Don’t worry this is going to be very simple. You need to convert your deposited Bitcoins to BitConnect before lending.

On the left menu, click BCC EXCHANGEbuy-bitcoin-exchange.png
Now, this takes you to the exchange page. What we want here is to buy Bitconnect. Remember we just deposited Bitcoins to our BCC account. To be able to lend and earn daily, we need to purchase BCC coins.

So scroll the page up and locate the BUY/SELL BCC area. On the exchange form, locate the Total field and click the ALL button. Next, click “+Buy BITCONNECT COIN“exchange-bitconnect.png
You will have to wait for your buy order to be picked by someone in the market. Usually, it takes just a few minutes. However, adjusting and making a better offer can be quicker.

Step 3: Lend to BitConnect

We deposited Bitcoin in our BCC account. Next, we’ve bought BitConnect Coins. Now we need to move to the lending option.

We will give BCC our coins so they pay us daily bonuses from their tradings.

On your dashboard, locate the “LEND BITCONNECT/REINVEST” section. Click the Lend BitConnect button to pop the investment window.invest-in-bitconnect.png
In the Window that pops up, you will have to enter (in US dollars) the amount you want to invest. Note that the amount must be in tens: 100, 110, 1010, etc.

Once you enter the amount in dollars, you will have the equivalence in BCC.
Make sure to check the box to accept the terms just below the window. Once it’s all set, click the Pay from Bitconnect wallet button.

That will be all. All you have to do is wait for your endings to start the following day at the same hour you just made the investment.
Compounding in BitConnect

Compounding is simply reinvesting your interest. In other words, it means generating earnings from your previous earnings.

In step 3 above, just click the Reinvest button to compound your earnings. The minimum required is $10 and that is counted as a separate investment.

For many investors who want to increase their capital while mitigating risk of losing funds earned from other businesses, reinvesting is a recommended option.

Your daily interests are accrued and deposited in your Lending Wallet
Any risk in BitConnect lending?

There is a risk factor in any business you do. You may want to withdraw your daily earnings and be sure to recover your initial deposit before compounding.

However, if you want to use your earnings to increase your investment capital, go with the compounding option. The bigger the risk, the bigger the income.
Any risk in BitConnect lending?

Click here to invest and start Lending