Kenyan man swap cows and goats for bitcoins as dowry payment for a wife

in #bitcoins7 years ago

Marriage negotiations in Africa Kenya are never short of colour ,intrigue and drama.
Respectable old men from the groom and bride side will meet and lead the dowry negotiations under a tree or a hut, sometimes to spice things up a pot of local brew will be available to make sure the throats of the old men never gets dry all along as ‘irreducible minimums’ on the number of cows and goats to be paid would be traded and counter-traded.latest02pix.jpg

Meanwhile as the negotiations go on, relatives that is Uncles and Aunties from either side will be eyeing and sizing each other, adding intrigue and color to the whole occasion with their own counter demands.Finally after what seems like eternity the old men would reach a deal, greet each other and emerge from the hut to song and dance as women render the air with ululations and praise.That has been the norm since men and women decided to be domesticated but one man is determined to change all that and rewrite history in the process.
Anthony Mburu, who is based in Naivasha recently made news with his smart dowry payment that caught Kenyans by surprise.Mr. Mburu who is engaged to Elizabeth John decided to swap cows and goats as dowry and instead used Bit coins to pay for his dowry.“What stands out today was we were able to pay our dowry with Bitcoins so it is a very fascinating thing.” The smart suitor said.
Elizabeth parents who must be similar smart and financially literate gladly received the cryptocurrency ,with such a young smart man their daughter will surely not sleep hungry.
“When we talked to the parents about it they were ready to receive it and it was good investment for them because they can just keep so in six months it doubles like they have doubled the dowry”
Mburu explained how he arrived at such an ingenious yet foreign concept that would otherwise shock speechless some In-laws.
“Planning such an event 11 months ago, I took my 200 dollars and 11 months later we were ready to pay the dowry”
“The amazing thing is it’s 10 times more”)
The smart couple had a few advice for unmarried Young people out there who don’t know yet how to fund they wedding, In Mburu's words they don't need to unnecessarily saddle themselves with bank loans or drive their friend and families insane with requests and demands on what to contribute towards their big day.
“All young guys who are planning to do their dowry next year December and they don’t know how, get a few Bitcoins now, leave them and I believe next year you don’t have to call your friends because it won’t be a big hustle”
Hopefully their smart marriage can similarly withstand the shocks and turbulence between tradition and technology and in return reward them with double joy, happiness and live happily thereafter.