Washington allows the bitcoin to "trade" on the Wall Street

in #bitcoin7 years ago

"Configuring" a digital currency that relies on encryption and only handles it over the Internet

A US federal regulatory body gave the green light on Friday to US-based financial firm CME Group to start issuing digital currency futures contracts with bitcoin

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the main federal trading body, agreed to trade the company on futures contracts after six weeks of discussions, the Associated Press reported.

The company, which owns the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, said it would begin trading futures contracts on Dec. 18, the first time it would trade on Wall Street.

In its new step, the company complies with a process known as a "self-certification" under which it undertakes not to violate any of the federal securities laws when trading in that currency.

With this decision, some markets of bitcoin will be set up for federal regulation in the United States for the first time and will allow currency trading to form a larger group of investors and traders, who were reluctant to buy the virtual currency.

John Conlev, deputy governor of the Central Bank of Britain, said last Wednesday that the bitcoin composition is not
In a size that poses a threat to the global economy, with the digital currency rising to a record high above $ 10,000 in a major trading platform.

"The sale and purchase of digital currencies is not religiously appropriate at this stage," said the head of Sunni religious affairs, the highest religious body in Turkey.

Turkish media said that the religious body justified its view that the price of the currency "is based on speculation, regardless of the rise and fall in value, and can be easily exploited in illegal transactions and transactions such as money laundering, and is not subject to the supervision and supervision of the state."

It is noteworthy that a number of central banks in the Arab world, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Palestine and Morocco were warned to deal in digital or virtual currency, which is the same approach that Russia.

It is noteworthy that the bitcoin is digital currency depends on the encryption, and deals only on the Internet, and is characterized as a decentralized currency, so that it is controlled by non-users, and not under the supervision of a government or a central bank like the rest of the currencies in the world.


Remember this replay folks, by mid 2018 bitcoin will worth 15,000 DOLLARS PER UNIT; check my post here for more information


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