How to survive bitcoin market crash

in #bitcoin3 years ago

January 2022 hasn't been easy for bitcoin and cryptocurrency investors, bitcoin price has gone to its lowest low and people are so scared, lots of investments thrown into the river. Some think this might just be signaling a bitcoin crash or bitcoin market crash that is imminent.

Despite how helpless the situation seems just sitting there with fears of the unknown isn't the best approach to this precarious situation. The turbulence of the sea is what makes great sailors. It is at times like this we distinguish the expert traders from the boys.

Below is how you can come out of the current bitcoin market crash with victory, rather than lose you come out with more cryptocurrencies in your wallet.
The world is so scared at the moment, one group thinks this is the last stroke of a dying cat, and the others think it is another reoccurrence of events witnessed in the past. Whatever it is, what you'd probably be looking for is a survival strategy that is how to survive the bitcoin market crash.
Take note of the following:

  1. Bitcoin saw great declines in 2017 and 2021 and still came back to an all-time high. This crash could just be another temporary thing playing its trick on bitcoin. IF it is buying cheap now could see you wrecking millions in a few weeks or months when the price comes back up but if the unfortunate happens just remember something must kill a man.
  2. More money comes in a volatile market, a dip doesn't go straight into zero mark, if it were so all the crypto assets would have been lost by now. You can enter the market to go short and take profit from the short-term oscillatory movement of prices of bitcoin. Buy the dip and sell when the price comes a little up and sell again before it dips again. Isn't that a beautiful approach to making money?
  3. See this as investment time, lots of cryptocurrencies are at their low and this is certainly the best time to invest, don't jump into buying just any coin you find out there. There is this list of Best coins to invest in 2022 you should consider buying them to make more money and survive the bitcoin market crash with huge profits. Investments done rightly can be the survival your financial future needs.

4 Take advantage of ICO, a good number of Initial coin offers are currently available, you can take advantage of them and make money. Some coins with high prospects are available for short periods. Buying them could see their value rise and make you more money. This is the process by which the coins of the future enter the market. Not every ICO is what investing in. You can take time to learn about this list of Inital Coin Offering

God bless you see you when the bitcoin is back to all-time high.
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