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RE: The Trailing Noob And The Upcoming Bitcoin Bleeding

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Life-long Libertarian checking in.
Fast. Cheap. Borderless. Bail out free. Bail in free. ben shalom bernanke free. janet yellen free. goldman sachs free. anonymous. voluntary. government free. Violence free. comex manipulation free. decentralized. inflation free. eternally capped at 21,000,000. uncounterfeitable. no storage or security overhead. It is perfect in every way. Bitcoin. Use it. Live it. Love it. It is superior to fiat in every way. Get out of the dollar while you still can.
Very few people truly understand basic economics, but those who do are Bitcoiners all the way! Even I dabble in trading now and again but I know Bitcoin will be $1,000,000 each. That's just based on the US national debt alone!