Bitcoin [BTC] - Update 19/04/2018

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Not my best drawing ever, but you get the point. Ascending wedge seems to indicate that we can break down at the resistance (around 8,350) for one last oscillation. Could be 7.4, could be 7.0, very unlikely to be lower but even 6.8 is not a problem. All the signs are bullish, including the developments in alts, the volume going down (as part of this pattern, that is good) and the timing. Almost weekend and that means 3 days of low(er) volume with more chances of whales pumping.

Of course, nobody has a crystal ball. At least not one that actually works. Some of us do have a banana. Bless them.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-19 um 22.41.02.png

In my little experiment I have now added TRX to the mix. My 3 BTC is now worth 3.617 BTC, up from 3.55 a few hours ago.

EDIT: I have sold the BTC that was left in that account (± 0.7) at 8.250 and set a buy back order for 7.589. I will go to sleep now and discover how wise that was in the morning. Good luck all.

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