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RE: Accumulate $Fiat Now

in #bitcoin7 years ago

For a minute I considered just replying "Great comment!" (Because I can be a smart ass sometimes.) But to avoid having that misinterpreted, I figured it's best to just mention that, as the OP, comments like "awesome" feel a little better than getting ghosted by the network. There is a lot of garbage on every social media site (including this one) that for some reason gets attention. So when I put some talent and effort into a post and no one replies, it sucks. Up votes are better than nothing. And short generic comments seem better than that.

All this being said, a rising tide raises all ships. So your guidance on what type of comments add value to the network and which ones don't is appreciated. Is there a comprehensive guide from Steemit on what is encouraged and what is not?


Hi @tylr, I should have written “great post” to you as well, because it was good. Having said that, you got my vote which is the same thing.

I am not sure if we will ever clean steemit of useless spam-comments. It reminds me of the early 1990s when we were trying to stop spam email. There comes a point when the tide is just too big to build a wall.

Don’t worry you risked nothing by writing “Great comment”. Whilst some people might not see the joke, I do - or ignore it if in doubt. I also always look at history to determine if it is habitual spam or a genuine sentiment.

As for a guide, I anm not sure which if any is supposed to be the definitive one. Hovever, doing a search for “etiquette on steemit” will bring up many guides and discussions. There is more than one opinion as to what is acceptable or not - a good example is people who post Twitter-like links to external news stories without original thought or commentary. If you read the discussions, you will get a good feel of what most people think.