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RE: Bitcoin: Soros Says It's A Bubble

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Soros and the likes are not at all pleased with the popularity of crypto currencies for a couple reasons. 1. It places wealth derived from fiat currency being exchanged or traded, however you like to label it, into another store of value that they cannot control to the degree that their control once was. Also in that equation is that people are trading their fiat currency and then hodling it rather than continuing the pattern of consuming. Which is also a threat to their system of control. Also included is the Blockchain technology which retains all transactions, and we all know how some people like to conveniently lose data at a time when its curiously convenient. Or delete said data at the same convenience. 2. It makes it much harder to suppress either nations who do not wish to be a part of the central Rothchild banking system, or participate in the use of the petro dollar. Also it provides a method of personal banking and wealth storage to the billions of people who are in countries that the central banks will not issue swift codes as well. Thus allowing global commerce to a large population that was under financial supression by the banksters. The pandoras box of Crypto has been opened, it cannot be closed, but there will be resistance by those who stand to lose power from it. We must unify as a people and we can come from beneath the thumb of the current financial system. More evidence of this paradigm shift can also be seen in banking establishments retaining gold and silver for customers refusing ,or making it very difficult for people to withdraw their property. They see it happening and they are doing all they can to stop it. The plain and simple is, now is the time to let go of the fake convenience of the banking system and be responsible for the storage and security of your own wealth. Look what has happened since we have left that in the hands of others...war, death, supression, starvation, seperatism, Fake food, even worse medicine, a corrupt justice system and all paid for by those not maintianing their own money.