Bitcoin (ɃTC) in the last 365 days... What comes next ?

25.May 2017 - passes 2000$ for first time
12.August 2017 - passes 4000$ for first time
1. September 2017 - passes 5000$ for first time
11 days later on 12 .9. 17 China bans ICOs (FUD) & price drops back to 2900 $
In Oktober (25th) the market moves to 5600 $
17. 12. 2017 BTC reaches its All - time High and trading closes at 19.780 $
5 days later the market drops with 33 % just in 24 hours and Bitcoin drops back to 14.000 $
5 .FEB. 2018 follows drop over 50 % and 7000 $ BTC is reached...
Let me know what do you think, comment and/or resteem. What comes next?

12000 /15.06.2018
pls upvote me
@lemi ,
good one , thanks !
Will hit $5000 at some point in June
6K won’t hold next dip
Already had a double bottom in that zone. It’s going lower at least for the next few months.
Let's see if I am right :)
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