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RE: Introducing Stacy Herbert of Keiser Report
BIG FAN, Warm Welcome to Steem!
Had to watch that classic again...
BIG FAN, Warm Welcome to Steem!
Had to watch that classic again...
Kind of cold in NY

has max mentioned steemit on RT yet at all??
He's done some interviews with a few steemit users. One guy was talking about how he made $15,000 with he's first post. I can't remember the guys name though?
No mention yet but I expect that will change very soon. I watch the show daily for the laughs and information. Max and Stacy are a perfect couple.
Oh boy - high of $46, those were the days... Was this the first time they mentioned it?
So if Max was a Bitcoin millionaire back then must be doing pretty well now, not included inevitable big Ethereum investments they must have made along the way. If only I'd know about Max and Stacy back then. I was into the original version of Ripple in 2006, but lost track while I was busy working until late 2013. Then I was into Ethereum before they launched but somehow missed the ICO and got in late. But hey, it's all good and didn't lose my shirt with MtGox (but lost a sock or two with Cryptsy, boo hiss).
I did know Max and Stacy back then. I was around when he launched MAX COIN and START COIN (both still going), I was watching when he had Reggie Middleton on talking about Veritaseum and how it was going to change the world. Being deaf is terrible.
Classic clip. $4 for a Bitcoin lol Welcome to steemit @keiserreport good to see you guys here.