“You’re building an exchange while Bitcoin is going down? Will you survive?”

in #bitcoin6 years ago

My friend asked me this at a kid’s birthday party. He’s doing great in life. He has a job, but hears a lot about crypto. Some of his neighbors even have total financial freedom because of crypto. Eventually we all want to live a great and fulfilling life. So the question came from a place that lives in all of us: our age old longing for (financial) freedom.

“Good question” I replied. I don’t know why. Maybe it was a good question. Maybe I was distracted by my kid almost spilling his lemonade over me. Maybe I was busy thinking about how our exchange should look.

Crypto showed the world we can invent something for the people
Digital coins have seen great heights and sometimes they came crashing down. During the best days many people have gained a lot from it. Watches, clothes, vacations, new investment opportunities and even working a few days less for that terrible boss.

The most important thing it has shown is that ‘regular’ people, with little power, all over the world can create something that they own. They let the world know: We’re young and we want a currency that we control. It’s quite anarchistic, but very, very democratic.

Beyond borders
Our currencies have always been stored inside a ‘vault’ in ‘buildings’. Nowadays thats actually a number inside a database inside a bank to be completely accurate. There’s not a chunk of gold with your name somewhere. Unless you’re a rapper with a chain with your name on it.

With crypto, your value and trust is protected by the world. It’s like putting your trust (because money is trust) in people all over the world, who do the same. It’s beyond borders. Beyond ‘vaults’. Beyond ‘buildings’. It’s not in the hand of one bank owner.

We tasted freedom
With the introduction of coins, we’ve tasted financial freedom like never before. Suddenly there is this new way to secure your value, your future. We tasted there’s life after banks. It’s really anarchistic. And now we don’t want to go back to the old system.

That’s a big shift in thinking for people who need to regulate: governments and organizations. While we’re young and want to have fun, we also NEED regulations. It’s like the teenager who wants freedom versus the parent who wants what’s good for their kids. We might only want freedom, we also need regulations. Eating candy the whole day will make you sick.

The future is where anarchy and regulation come together
To make it work for everyone, crypto has to ditch its anarchistic nature. But regulatory organizations have to ditch their bureaucratic nature.

Right now some countries don’t trust crypto while others figure out how to work with these ‘young people who built their own banks’.

‘Old people in banks’ now know that they have to work together with ‘young people behind computers’ in order not to become obsolete.

‘Young people behind computers’ know they have to work with ‘old people in banks’ to be taken seriously.

So what’s in it for both the techies and the banks?
Once banks and techies find common ground and shake hands, that’s where opportunities arise. That’s where banks can make use of the inventiveness of millennials. That’s where millennials can make use of the power of banks.

Banks can find new ways to provide value. Value beyond just ‘storing’ your money. Even making your money more valuable. Millennials have consistently proven their adaptability and inventiveness in creating income outside traditional jobs.

Techies can find new ways to monetise their skills. They can finally use their inventiveness to see their ideas come to life. They can finally secure their own future and financial interests without too much dependance of traditional money-providers.

So the answer is: “Yes, it will survive”
As you can see we’ve arrived at a point where regulation will meet financial freedom. Crypto exchanges will be the highways that allow you to financially move freely. Over the whole world.

It’s the dreamers answer to the question: how to escape bureaucracy. It’s the banks answer to the question: how to innovate. The new exchanges will bring these together.

“But do we really need the Tradebits Exchange?”
Yes, you do. Ok, I’m biased because I work for Tradebits. But it’s also WHY it’s important.

At Tradebits we know that this new financial highway is the future. There’s no going back now. There are a lot of exchanges right now. They’re technically genius. But they’re not making it easy for you to drive on this new highway.

It’s so technical that you have to switch lanes constantly and take sharp turns every minute. On paper this new highway should be fun, but it’s hard.

We make it convenient
The hard working parent for example, who deserves more freedom, has no time to dig into this new highway. My friend wakes up, takes care of her three kids, goes to her job, comes home and has more to do than learn how to work with crypto. But we believe she DESERVES these new opportunities.

We make this new highway straight and easy. We make sure you can easily get coins, make good investments and become a financial mastermind.

We make our exchanges so easy, you don’t have to be technical to get started. We talk to banks in order to make it easy to get onto our exchange. You shouldn’t have to login to 3 accounts before you can finally start with crypto.

We focus on the human needs of non-technical people who deserve new financial possibilities. These high rewards should not only belong to the programmers and techies. Crypto is by the people and for the people. We believe an app for your financial freedom should have the ease of apps you use daily. Simple and convenient. Beautiful too. It goes without saying that it should be extremely safe too. We have people for that.

We dream of securing your future
Beside dreaming, we’re also building with the non-technical people in the back of our minds. Crypto showed us there are new ways that could secure our financial needs. We’re building an exchange that will use this power to secure your future.

We’d love to see you work a day less. We’d love to see you spend more precious time with family and friends. We’d love to see you fulfil your desires. A new car. A great vacation on the Maldives. We dream of those things too and we believe we can make it work.

Author: This article was written by our ‘yet to be disclosed’ VP of Product at Tradebits #StealthLife