Bitcoin Predictions. Who said one million dollars ?
Bitcoin is money 2.0! or referred to as Gold 2.0 !!!
Bitcoin Gurus and experts have a lot to say about the future of Bitcoin, and your friendly neighborhood CryptoNinja listed one of the most prolific personas in crypto and their predictions.......
........and the top on the list is John Mcafee ..... with such high stakes now riding on the prediction, he deserves it.
In 1999, Professor Milton Friedman, a Nobel Prize winner in economics stated:
“I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. The one thing that’s missing but that will soon be developed, is a reliable e-cash.”
Do you have any predictions for the years to come? Write in the comment section and brag about it if it comes true.
Buy bitcoin now while it’s still cheap. At the time of writing, the price of 1 BTC is $7099.
Upvote and Share. Keep watching for more blogs. Haiyyaaahh!!

I expect there to be a little dip back to the $6850-6950 range after the hype we just got before setting up for any further moves. There has been a lot of sideways trading so dollar cost averaging is the best option for most investors right now.
Thank you for sharing your analysis @hotsauceislethal.
Dollar Cost Averaging can be a smart investment strategy in the trading cryptocurrencies.
Even a $30,000 Bitcoin would be amazing. I tend to buy bitcoin periodically rather than all at once. You know, dollar cost averaging. If I had a large amount of free cash I'd be buying up a tonne of the stuff right now, along with a few others such as LTC and ADA.
I can easily see BTC going to $50k in the next couple of years though.
Yes it will be amazing !!! @mazzle
Dollar Cost Averaging can be a smart investment strategy in the trading cryptocurrencies.
Investing in top 10 coin is a wise decision atm.
It will moon!
Do the math, 21 million times 1 million.
It's a big number.. the market cap would be insane..
"The $1 million dollar Bitcoin argument predicates that the total market cap of Bitcoin in the world would amount to $16.5 trillion. This compensates for the approximate 4.5 million Bitcoin that have been lost and are now unrecoverable for various reasons."
A must read -
Thank you that is a great article, alot of very good info there. It's certainly possible for bitcoin to reach this amount if it's spread out amongst enough users and the demand is high enough.
nice assortment you got there...had to open few images in new tab to read the annotations....
resteemd !!
Thanks a lot @itstime.
Have a nice day !!
I'm sure one day #bitcoin will blow our mind..
Posted using Partiko Android
It already has.
The world now has an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust.
Yes your right.
Posted using Partiko Android
bitcoin will be come gold 2.0. ETH will become USD 2.0
Hahaha 😀 yes my friend @sinkfish I'm with you.
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Love it! I try to steer clear of predictions, but they always entertain me.
I think McAfee should re run the original predictions. $5k is likely close to what we would've finished 2018 at without manipulation.
It sure is fun.
University of Texas finance professor John Griffin, who has a 10-year track record of spotting financial fraud, and graduate student Amin Shams examined millions of transactions on cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex.
In a 66-page paper, the authors found that tether was used to buy bitcoin at key moments when it was declining, which helped "stabilize and manipulate" the cryptocurrency's price. - CNBC
I want McAfee to be right. Not just for the monetary benefit for us all but because I am afraid at the prospect of living in a world where a man ate his own dick over a bet and had the whole world watching.
We can only hope Bitcoin will become so valuable....but I think for now regulations being up in the air will keep the price of crypto from soaring to those highs.
Hi !
Might take years !! Year 2020 will be interesting.
Very interesting..
Hey dear @thecryptoninja today i am so happy because my old post bitcoin price prediction analysis was perfect and now hit 1 target / resistance 1.
Look my btc chart today post 🤗🤗🤗
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks @shazilkhan.
Spot on !!! Keep up the good work and let us know more about TA.