Bitcoin Scalability

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Each blockchain is an expression on a certain mindset. Satoshis original protocol has a certain mindset. Bitcoin Cash alleges to continue this original vision of Satoshi. And there is Segwit2x which the vast majority of people who want to use bitcoin for the BUSINESS prefer has a view which is more inspired by adding the most fascinating usecases to bitcoin as fast as possible.
Core Bitcoin is very much about safety, about being as sure maximally possible that we make it 100 % right at first time.

But everybody should follow the bitcoin which is built according to his personal beliefs as close as possible. Bitcoin core people should be aware that they prevent all other groups (other than store of value maximalists) from starting to build on bitcoin. You think you as core developers, provably the best developers in the world, are not able to implement a simple 2 MB blocksize increase. Are you that fainthearted?

Increase that damn blocksize in a way we get low cent fees immediately and THEN work on getting your LN and sidechains and all that amazing stuff running asap. Why all these tokens when it makes much more sense to use just bitcoin?