Boomers Will Take Out $2 Trillion from Pensions Plans Each Year for the Next Decade - Buy Bitcoin

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

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March 27, 2020

Over the next decade and beyond, the U.S. government is forecasting that boomers in America will cash out at least $2 trillion each year from their pension plans funded with the sale of stocks and bonds in the global financial markets.

These optimistic forecasts conducted by the U.S. government are often used by Wall Street bankers to justify ridiculously priced equity and bond markets where companies that have no chance of ever making any money have valuations in the tens of billions of dollars.

Traditional financial markets are now obviously broken - for how long, it is to be seen, but it is apparent to more around the world with the current economic crisis, that the U.S. dollar-dominated-financial system the world is now subjected to is extremely flawed and benefits only those inside or close to the Fed.

U.S. government forecasts used to predict pension plan withdrawals assume younger generations in America will continue as their parents did to purchase equity and bonds through their "trusted" Wall Street banker - that is, these forecasts assume that the young will finance the retirement of the boomers for decades to come.

It seems there are two clear choices to choose from to determine your economic fate:

  1. If you want to prove the U.S. government and Wall Street forecasters correct, keep your money with Wall Street banks and invest in equities, bonds and the U.S. dollar, which will allow you to pay for retirees to receive their retirement payments without a hitch; OR

  2. If, however, preservation and growth of wealth for yourself - rather than anybody else - is the objective, money should be taken out of the banking system today and used to buy Bitcoin.