Half Past Human with the the "art and science of predictive linguistics" on Bitcoin's movement and recent hack

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Over the years have been a fan of sorts of Cliff High who has developed bots that can look for linguistic terms on the  internet which can then be evaluated for possible coming events. I guess  that's the best way to describe  what Cliff High has been doing.  Cliff's website is Half Past Human  and might be a good site to evaluate when you are looking for possible  future outcomes. Cliff thinks we are passing through a critical time and  his take on Bitcoin is certainly worth a listen when analyzed from the  bots he sends out using what Cliff calls "the science of predictive  linguistics." Pay attention to Cliff's comments in the clip which are  also below in the text.

Source: Half Past Human

Welcome to halfpasthuman - a website helping you get the most from your future today...using the art and science of predictive linguistics.

Latest vid...

clif's wujo 7-27-16

Had  some questions about BTC crashing...and yes, it has come down in  relative fiat value over the last few days. There are people saying it  is due to the exchange hack, or the ETH wars or ???...as time passes who  will remember what was the most popular expressed reason offered? I  have been with BTC for a while and have sufficient memory to note that  before every new and higher floor is built under BTC, yet another point  of weakness is shaken out of the system. So there have been exchange  hacks, and Silk road busts, and other such problems emerge with BTC over  these past few years, and yet, here we are, addressing the subject from  yet another higher level in fiat currencies. Oh, perspective... after  all...internet is 20 years old, Bitcoin is 7 years old.

So a couple of very very trite sayings to calm the mind a bit as they are also very, very true:

for speculators....this is why pussies don't play the game.

for  savers....days like this show character, build the intestinal fortitude  that alters your epigenetics for life. It brings out what the traders  admire as strong hands. The local Squaxin tribe says "a moment's pain, a  lifetime of pride".

for doubters....time will tell....and it does, and has, and will have so done, if one knows how to read it....for  

epilogue, one is not really a bitcoiner until you have been through a  couple of these episodes. They pass, and are a good time to dump some  more central authorities paper.