According to experts we may see another financial crisis in close future.

in #bitcoin8 years ago


According to Bengt Holmström (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2016) and some other experts we may see one more financial crisis in near future.

If they are right it will become an interesting time for bitcoin and other cryptos, since people will try to find a safe harbor to ship their wealth to.

This is a article about his prediction in one of the greatest German newspapers.

What do you think? Will bitcoin safe us in the next financial crisis?


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Great post. But the biggest lie of them all is the world could possibly be flat!! Do you think the world is flat? I know this sounds absurd but it's all over net surely it should be looked into. Can you imagine how much money NASA has gone through and they could be full of shit.

There are a lot of things we can't proof for ourselves, and we could be wrong about.

But the flat earth theory has some great issues. Yea, media and politics are lying about almost everything, but why should they spend millions and millions on fooling us about the Form of the earth? For some thousands years almost all advanced societies believed in the round earth.

And today we. Use it! A lot of things (like iridium communication satalites) could not work with a flat earth. And even if you do not believe on satralite communication, this satalites ate even visible to naked eye and you can calculate where they are based on a round earth.

But after all, what does that have to do with a financial c