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RE: USA Economy Crash: The Few Who See It Coming (VIDEO)

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Collapsing is a big word. I write about crypto, personal life, sports and life on my profile. Will soon start blogging about food, travel and my adventures in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. You might be interested, love <3


Yeah i don't talk about this stuff around my friends for the most part unless they ask, mostly because they'd find it too depressing. I use Steem to connect with like-minded individuals who might see reality for what it is. Im optimistic about the future in general, but I really think the unsustainable credit bubble will burst soon, and it WONT be pretty. The video talks about banks getting more strict on cash. Ive personally seen this already taking place here in the United States. You cant even get change at big banks anymore without a bank account. They are trying to push laws that make it illegal to even take your Bitcoin out of the country.