Ethereum on her Thumb- what can it mean
Litecoin on her index finger - what can it mean
Bitcoin on her middle finger - fuck you elite new world order
Monero on her ring finger - married and in love with privacy
Stellar on her pinky finger - the one that got away - what can it mean
we need to buy her STEEM nail then ;)
Ethereum on her Thumb- what can it mean
Litecoin on her index finger - what can it mean
Bitcoin on her middle finger - fuck you elite new world order
Monero on her ring finger - married and in love with privacy
Stellar on her pinky finger - the one that got away - what can it mean
eth = thumbs up
Ltc = points you in the direction
Haha, good one.
Might be, she can be the new "McAFEE" influencing the market with just a few tweets!
Yeah, I would love to see what her portfolio would look like :)
Katy Perry is becoming one of the leading Pop Stars shining the light on Cryptos...
she even grilled warren buffet about the value of the blockchain... Look
I think Satoshi bribed her to not put BitcoinCash huehue
First there were Crypto Kittis then Crypto Celebrities now Crypto Niles tomorrow Crypto Beard)))