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RE: Bitcoin takes Top 7 Spot for Most Popular Google Searches

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Great thought- Thanks!
Yes, the question is really Hockey stick adaption or a FoMO bubble? - I have been asking myself that for last couple of weeks.
Yet - nothing seems to stop the upward trend - no "core vs unlimited" fork debate, no 200,000 transactions not confirmed and not startups turning away from bitcoin, because their business model (micro payments and/or quick payments) is possible anymore.

Sometimes I do wonder what it is: For Ethereum, for example, I do know, that for 3-4 weeks now, South Koreans are heavily investing and picking up...and also Ethereum Classic (ETC), which they probably confuse for the bigger Ether chain...

So there are new entrants, definitely.

But there is also a phenomenon I have witnessed reflecting myself: Once the fiat currency (EUR, USD, ...) is in the somehow gets gamified...I did things, I would NEVER EVER have done with "real" money - although it is real...

This combined with the massive amount of early investors, now not only in bitcoin, but in Litecoin, Dash, Ethereum, ETC, Monero and so on - means there is a lot of "old" money floating around very easily in the space...

So maybe - there are new entrants flooding the Top5-10 chains, regardless of the chains' goals (Ripple for example is not really a public system).
At the same time, "oldtimers" are freely increasing and diversifying their coin portfolios.

May we live in interesting times! ;-)