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RE: Is Bitcoin correccion writing on the charts?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I like your charts but I don't understand why people listen to Clif High? Do your research on him, he has a bad record predicting silver prices. He makes lots of gloomy predictions about the world economy and natural disasters, most of which haven't worked. Some of the people he does YouTube videos with have scammed others in the past and I wouldn't trust any of them.
Have a look at this
A lot of his predictions that have failed are talked about in these videos


I know, he has fail miserably on those predictions. However, his message is bigger than just for people making money. I actually begun listening to him for his spiritual message, health healing, and him calling out on corruption and world governments crimes. I never paid attention when he spoke about cryptos, because I didn't know what it was. It was only until a live interview where he was explaining as to why he was so accurate on his predictions of cryptos and many people made a lot of money called my attention. This was on july or august last year. I remember on that very interview he also called Bitcoin to be 13,800ish by mid to late February of this year. People were making fun of him and trolling him in December when bitcoin was almost $20000. Even in December when bitcoin was at that all time high, he assure firmly that bitcoin will be 13800ish mid to late February of this year. And look where we are at now. Through out all this correction he has been one of the strong hands telling people to hold if they were not traders. That this is only temporarily and cryptos will rally to new hights. I also know he has made some bad calls on cryptos, but his predictions are probably at an 80% accuracy in my opinion. But I also understand that his data reads sentiment, and as time prospers, sentiment changes. Look at how happy and thankful people were early December, and how extremely angry and negative people begun to be late January and early February. I begun doing my own research and got involved in cryptos. I invested in every coin he predicted that will grow in December and January, and despite this downfall of cryptos I have made over 200% profit. At the end of December fist week of January I was at 600%, but because I was uneducated in investing, I did not take profits. but still made a killing only on the coins he called out to succeed. My portfolio made by myself solely on Cliff high calls, it remain in the green positive side. Not a single coin turned red on my portfolio. I had never made one. The only reason why I am not to harsh on him about those bad calls on silver and gold, it's one because the price of gold and silver industry is high jacked and manipulated by a few individuals and institutions. Second because he is not a financial advisor, a future reader or chart reader. He interprets what his data projects. As of my experience at least on his crypto calls have been very profitably for me. But the reason I hear what he has to say is much more than just for me to make money. He basically has a message where he hopes humanity rectifies the wrong path that has taken, and to become beings of good to coexist in a peacefully manner with equally wealth an opportunity. Unfortunately we first have to overcome greed and selfishness. However I don't take everything he said to the letter. I hear what everyone has to say and I look at every angle. After hearing and watching both sides I make my own conclusions. I am not a follower, I am myself and I am open-minded to anything as long as I am respected as a human being. Thank you for your time, and have a nice day. I apologize for replying a little late.