in #bitcoin7 years ago

from SGT

If you'd like to help Gonz Shimura his Paypal address is:
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Jeff Nielson from joins me to discuss Bitcoin, the Crypto space, precious metals & much more.

Here's the link to SD Bullion if you'd like score some PHYSICAL silver or gold:



Wow, I really enjoyed this one!

I enjoyed watching this this morning over breakfast. Although I'm already on the 'steem-train', I'm a little concerned about cryptos future.

Sean, I see you are now falling into the Bix Weir "good guys" BS. Let me remind you that the reason that the Economist coin is called the Phoenix is that they need to destroy the old system and create a new one from it. They also need people to demand a new system themselves. They don't give a shit about bankers, they give a shit about the new Babylon they will create, and they are absolutely ready to blame and destroy the banks as the boogeyman. It's all the better for their plans. It must look like a people's revolution for it to be accepted. The apparent free currencies and money making of cryptos is the perfect bait. You are kidding yourself horribly if you allow yourself to be blinded by this and not understand it as a trap.

If you look through history it's always the same motif. It doesn't matter whether it's the French Revolution, or the abortion rights movement, or the LGBT movement, they are all setup and sold as being the best for everyone. They have to sell every one of them as convincingly positive for the people. They are also ready to sacrifice almost anything and anyone at anytime to achieve their goals, and this includes the bankers. The bankers are not the core of the problem, the bankers are just the most visible manipulators of society that we actually see. The real powers are still hidden behind them and these are the dark spiritual powers that they worship.

In Venice there is an opera house called "la Fenice" which means "the Phoenix." It has been purposely and symbolically burnt to the ground multiple times. What are the Black Nobility of Venice that are behind the bankers symbolically telling you with such messages? (And yes, these are clear messages.) They are telling you that they are ready to burn anything they own fully to the ground, even multiple times, to get what they want. This includes the banking system, the bankers, and anyone else they can use as scapegoats to get people to buy into the new Babylon system they want to create. I've described it clearly in the posts on my Steemit blog. It is outlined by Agenda 2030 and the new digital age being planned for us. The want us all to voluntarily agree to live in their neo-feudalistic prisons called Smart Cities, with an IOT of sensors controlling everything, all funded by digital money, with everyone on the government dole with Universal Basic Income, and a sharing economy where it's considering "freeing" to own nothing. They can't do this without fully accepted digital currency that the people even demand. This is why they have provided us with digital currencies, and for no other reason. You are not seeing the forest for the trees because you don't think in decades or centuries like they do.

Do I think you can make insane amounts of money with cryptos? Yes, of course I do! But don't lull yourself and others back to sleep with giving them the same BS that Bix is. These are not good guys and all their symbology in the new crypto market betrays it fully. They throw up their Luciferian gang signs on half the new currencies. They are getting ready to take over in the long term in cryptos and they have all the means at their disposal to do so. At some point Bitcoin and any other "freedom-oriented" cryptos will be gone in the swell of greed that will overtake people. The masses won't care about privacy or decentralization. They will only care about getting rich and/or their convenience. This is just a part of how they will take over. They will also use catastrophes. Get ready for it, it's coming, and they have it all planned from long before the Economist cover in 1988.

I can only recommend to listen to Aaron Russo again in how they make every action look like a people's movement that's good for the people. He describes it perfectly:

There is Hope for Mankind if, and I say if, there are more people like this guy:

ENJOY Richie's dead-honest opinion!!!
And have a good, God-to-Honest laugh at how Richie confronts evil.
I'm dead-serious btw.

RichieFromBoston says....

"Bitcoin is worth MORE than Gold." Published on Dec 17, 2017
"And here it is, the Crypto currency forged from nowhere, backed up by nothing and of course still under control of the usual. Is now worth more than GOLD, do not fall for it. RFB".

"Onward Christian Soldiers Marching On To War....".

Here's the latest update to affirm that Bix has completely lost it or is confirmed as a total disinformation asset (or both). Now it's not just that Alan Greenspan is one of the leading "good guys," Alan Greenspan is Satoshi Nakamoto himself according to Bix. What??!! Are you f'n kidding me? Somebody get Bix back on his meds (or off them as the case may be.)

Does Bix mean the same Alan Greenspan that praised Charles Keating's and the Lincoln Savings and Loan's "sound business plan and managerial expertise." Does he mean the same Alan Greenspan who was the director of the Council on Foreign Relations foreign policy organization? Does he mean the same Alan Greenspan that was / is close buddies and working colleagues with Larry Summers and Robert Rubin? (Are Summers and Rubin "good guys" now too?) Excuse me while I vomit a little again..

So it's a geriatric Alan Greenspan at the age of 82 that is the wizard C++ programmer pumping out perfect Bitcoin code in 2008 to 2010 with an NSA team. I'm sure he's coding C++ all the time because it's just so exciting for him to do in his Miami retirement community. He's probably got the whole f'n crew from "Cocoon" backing him up as the coding team as well.

Somebody please tell me why Sean is interviewing Bix like he's some sort of expert. His best expertise seems to be in parroting Clif High's crypto picks and incessantly selling snake oil "good guys", "Road to Roota", and Grand Canyon mythology to unsuspecting subscribers. Bix is to Clif High, like Ed McMahon was to Johnny Carson - essentially a bump on a log that laughs along with him and supports everything he says. "Heeerrrreee's Cliffy!!"

Sorry to be a bit sarcastic, but am I getting really tired of this fully misleading BS..

N_&_V, glad to see, as you've done the past few days using....your "eloquent" everyday lingo.

Your command of both 'Oxford Standard English' as well as am.colloquial idiom is a refreshing reposé.
-( réfléchir à qch à tête reposée )

I like the 'Tonight Show' reference.
'effin' Great!

ps. talkin' about Oxford, I picked-up a book a few days ago published at Oxford in 1674.
It's a beauty and the verse is colloquial English from the 17th century.
Truly a Joy.
Cheers X-

Thanks a lot X-!

Richie has great info and insights. I like his channel a lot. He's been hammered by YouTube lately. He should definitely come on over to Steem.

The metals are in a whole other category and the only reason they aren't doing what Bitcoin is doing is the incredible paper derivative control of the metals market. When the metals finally break, forget a moonshot, it will be a rocket ship to another galaxy. Then the paper fiat will really be cooked.

Thanks for sharing X-.

Hey man, great reply I did like this chapter...but that Bix Weird reference hit too close for comfort...
These crypto/good guy zealots are a problem... well zealots are but the controlled dissidence ones feel like a particular nefarious type.

Regarding cryptos... there is money to be made while people adopt it and it is a craze with wild swings and good upside but as Peter Schiff says that is just paper wealth it is not real until you cash out and transform it into real wealth.

Cheers from Costa Rica

Thanks a lot. The part that concerns me the most is that when people get fat and greedy they just go to sleep. It's like a pig being fattened for the slaughter. Yeah, the grub is good and there's lots of it, we just can't forget that they've got plans to get us all into the slaughterhouse when we've gotten fat enough on the cryptos. The greatest deceptions always give 90% truth and 10% BS, but it's always the 10% that will get you killed. The 10% in this case is Bix' "good guys" garbage

That was an awesome video, I'd never seen that before. Thanks for posting it.

Aaron was an amazing guy. I'm really glad to hear that you liked the interview. Thanks for telling me.

I also have his documentary about the fed too, I'll be watching that soon. I love when people turn me on to someone like this. Thanks again!

If you go through the older posts on my blog you will find a treasure trove of cool and incredibly interesting documentaries and articles there. It's stuff that I posted just because it's crazy cool info. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Have fun!

@sgtreport Listening Now Sean just STEEM On !!!

At 5:50 - How is bitcoin's price supposedly determined by an algorithm?

He is not completely get how bitoinc works and be priced.

Thank you very much for your great work!
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Greetings from Japan. God bless you and your family!

I only have to say that you spread wrong info about the energy that costs 1 transaction. I didnt know it but now i did the calculation. Can you do it?
I upvote the first correct answer.

LACK OF IMAGINATION ❗️That is what we must keep realizing about these monsters . Jeff Burwick is right , these monsters have NO IMAGINATION . Just look at all their TV PROGRAMING , MUSIC , MOVIES , and GAMING INDUSTRIES . They are all full of copies , remakes , and either stolen , or legally confiscated ideas . This block chain idea was stolen I’m sure and if the NSA , or any other so - called intelligence agencies were involved for the purpose of deceiving the general population then it has TOTALLY BLOWN UP IN THEIR FACES ❗️🤣😂💥📱😮 ‼️And now as your guest has been saying they have had to replan , reorganize , and rethink where they’re heading because I’m sure they just recently became aware of the OH SHIT effect . It’s kinda like accidentally dropping your wedding ring down the drain while the garbage disposal is running . 🤬🤭🤯😳😮😧🤢 and I take GREAT JOY in knowing that things are going to get really harry for them , because when the collapse comes EVERYONE will know who to go HUNT DOWN , and WHERE ❗️😂🤣🎇👿👺☠️🕍👹🐀🏦💸🌋🎆🌪💥⚰️❗️THE END ❗️